Dallas – "The charter schools technical and professional support system announced today by Governor Bush is just another example of Texas leading the nation in education reform." That's what Dr. John Goodman, president of the Dallas-based National Center for Policy Analysis said upon hearing the Governor's announcement today in Houston.
Texas has adopted one of the most progressive charter school laws in the country. It established one of the first statewide school accountability systems and has implemented rigorous testing standards that apply to regular and charter schools. Results show these changes are paying off. A 1996 National Assessment of Education Progress (NAEP) report found that Texas fourth graders were among the highest math scorers in the nation. Both black and white fourth graders had higher average scores than their counterparts in any of the other 38 participating states.
"What's unique about education reform in this state is that the business community has taken a leadership role," Goodman said. "Business leaders are worried about the quality of the state's workforce so they are spearheading school reform."
Attached is a two page brief analysis from the National Center for Policy Analysis. Choice and Accountability: Texas Leads the Way details the progress the state has made in education reform.
Dr. John Goodman
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