Welfare Report
The welfare system of the United States is creating proverty, not destroying it. The War on Poverty not only is not being won, but the weapons designed to defeat poverty are being used to insure its proliferation.
The welfare system of the United States is creating proverty, not destroying it. The War on Poverty not only is not being won, but the weapons designed to defeat poverty are being used to insure its proliferation.
The educational foundations of our society are presently being eroded by a rising tide of mediocrity that threatens our very future as a nation and a people.
Like many economic policies of government, Social Security allocates a tax burden and redistributes income among the American people. For some citizens, participation in Social Security will be a net burden. For others, it has been a bonanza.
This year total direct and indirect borrowing by the federal government will reach $324 billion–over $100 billion more than what is reported by the "official" federal deficit.