House Should Shun Senate CAFE Standards
The House of Representatives should ignore the Senate's recent call to dramatically raise Corporate Average Fuel Economy (CAFE) standards.
The House of Representatives should ignore the Senate's recent call to dramatically raise Corporate Average Fuel Economy (CAFE) standards.
As Congress seeks to fund the expansion of government-provided health care for children by increasing taxes on tobacco and possibly alcohol, a new report from the National Center for Policy Analysis (NCPA) notes these taxes disproportionately impact the poor.
The immigration bill may be back on the Senate floor this week, and the policies that are adopted will have a significant impact on the sovereignty, security, economic growth and …
The income tax is highly progressive. It takes a higher portion of the income of the rich than the poor. But federal, state and local governments raise revenues in a number of ways that are regressive, taking a greater portion of the incomes of the poor than the rich. In some cases, the total dollar amounts paid by the poor are higher than the amounts paid by the rich.
Reducing smog emissions standards from the current 85 parts per billion (ppb) to between 70 ppb and 75 ppb, as recently suggested by the Environment Protection Agency (EPA), is virtually impossible.
China is now the world leader in carbon dioxide emissions, news that reinforces the need for the developing countries to be included in plans to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
The most significant economic and social change in the past half-century has been the movement of women into the labor market. Since the 1950s, the labor participation rate of women ages 25 to 55 years has increased more than 75 percent. Today, more than 60 percent of mothers with children under the age of six are working.
Professor, Harvard Business School, Senior Fellow, Manhattan Institute and author.
Low-income households face 'astronomical' penalties for saving, according to the report by the National Center for Policy Analysis. For example, each $1 saved by a single mother earning $15,000 a …
The Environmental Protection Agency and U.S. Army Corps of Engineers have issued guidelines for determining whether seasonal wetlands fall under government jurisdiction, finally giving landowners, federal regulators and state officials clearer guidance about which wetlands are under federal control.
Does it pay to save? The answer is often no. In fact, penalties for saving are astronomical for some households, particularly young, single-parent and lower-income families. But these are the very people who need the strongest incentives to save for retirement.