How New Cold World Order Threatens Humanity
An ancient proverb says, “When elephants fight, it’s the grass that suffers.” By now you have seen the heart-wrenching video of a 5-year old Syrian child pulled from the rubble …
An ancient proverb says, “When elephants fight, it’s the grass that suffers.” By now you have seen the heart-wrenching video of a 5-year old Syrian child pulled from the rubble …
Commentary by Gen. Michael Flynn, Allen B. West and David Grantham The legendary Chinese military strategist Sun Tzu rightly observed generations ago that “If you know the enemy and know …
Townhall: NCPA Senior Fellow David Grantham explains how Congress can begin to fix the Obama Administration’s reckless and impulsive agreement with Iran in a commentary at Townhall.
Townhall: NCPA Senior Fellow David Grantham walks us through the inconsistencies of Obama administration as it defies the American people and continues down the path towards appeasing the Cuban government.
CNSNews: NCPA Senior Fellow David Grantham says the military is not prepared to fight in our twenty-first century battlefield and lays out solutions for how we can ready ourselves in this CNSNews commentary.
Townhall: NCPA Senior Fellow David Grantham explains why we should care about Hillary Clinton’s email scandal – and what the breaches of Special Access Programs could mean for our operatives abroad – in a Townhall commentary.
While French authorities recover from the ferocious encounter with ISIS-linked militants in Paris yesterday, the Obama administration called Friday’s attack a “setback” to an otherwise successful strategy. He went on …
Townhall: The conflict minerals provision tucked deep inside the gigantic Dodd-Frank Act requires manufacturers to determine their use of minerals sourced from the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), namely tungsten, tin, tantalum and gold. These minerals can be found in an assortment of products like clothing, electronics and household goods. Why was a manufacturing regulation attached to a financial reform bill? To protect Main Street from Wall Street? Nope. To curb conflict in the Congo.
Townhall: NCPA Senior Fellow David Grantham illustrates the disparity between successful local, multi-funded projects and inefficient large scale, federally executed productions in a commentary.
Townhall: The ink is not even dry on Obama’s ill-conceived executive agreement with Iran and already observers have found potentially unlawful stipulations baked into the agreement. A predictable development, to be sure, but it seems last minute. The administration has already ignored other judicial pronouncements through the course of negotiations without much fanfare. As the debate now inevitably plunges into squabbles over illegalities, it is time to address the outstanding judgment still haunting grieving victims of Iran’s terrorism.
The Daily Caller: The penalties for violations built into the nuclear deal hinge on two faulty assumptions: sanctions can be reapplied and other countries have a vested interest in Iran’s compliance. Iran has mastered the art of masking oil revenue, routing embargoed goods through well-advertised smuggling routes in places like Dubai, and channeling finances through covert investment partnerships with Russia. The Iranian government is sanction-proofing its economy. They will invest, convert, and shelter the new revenue (and future revenue) to guard against future U.S. action. The most important enforcement tool available fails without a target.