Government Control Thyself

Recently, federal courts, including the Supreme Court, have begun to take more seriously their responsibility to act as a check on the federal government via judicial review. After President Franklin Roosevelt threatened to pack the Supreme Court over its refusal to find his depression-era New Deal policies constitutional, the court largely abdicated its responsibility to constrain federal legislative reach within the Constitution's limits.

Government Land Grab Takes Us in the Wrong Direction

Big brother — the United States government — which already owns more than one-third of the land in the U.S. (states own another 12 percent), wants more. A group of congressional Republicans and Democrats is working with the Clinton administration to place more land under government control.

Why Death Taxes Should Be Abolished

While the tax is insignificant in terms of federal revenue, it is very significant economically. It wastes resources. It discourages work, saving and investment. And it does virtually nothing to equalize the distribution of wealth. For these reasons, it should be abolished.

Title IX

In 1972, Congress passed one of those laws that sounded good on the surface but whose details ultimately turned devilish. Title IX was an amendment to the 1964 Civil Rights Act. Its goal was to combat sexual discrimination in education. Yet its effect has been to introduce a new kind of discrimination, this time against men's athletic programs. And there could be even worse news around the corner.

The Inexorable Increase in School Choice

As the nation's schoolchildren prepare for another year in the classroom, the forces of change are sweeping the educational landscape for many of them. More and more families have the opportunity to hold their public schools accountable – and to take positive action if the schools don't measure up.

Income Distribution

Almost daily, left-wing organizations – Citizens for Tax Justice and the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities are two of the most prominent – have been publishing attacks on the House and Senate tax bills. Their analyses are often recycled in White House and Treasury Department statements and repeated by liberal reporters. The gist of the attacks can be summarized briefly: the tax cuts are nothing but give-aways to the rich.

Should We Tax Sales on the Internet?

"Technological changes are increasing the mobility of labor and capital around the world. Because of this mobility, governments no longer have a fixed supply of productive resources to tax and regulate. Instead, governments are in active competition with each other."


Beginning this Sunday, Dallas Community Television (DCTV) will broadcast "Should Social Security Be Privatized?" an episode of DebatesDebates, the hour-long public affairs program sponsored by the National Center for Policy Analysis.

The Case For The Tax Cut

Congress has passed a 10-year $792 billion tax cut bill that President Clinton has criticized as "gargantuan" and has vowed to veto. Put in perspective, however, the tax cut is small, and is justified.  It is, in short, a very modest effort to give something back to those who are mainly responsible for the surplus: the taxpayers.