Grassroot Perspective: The Senate Ignores the Rules, GOP Goes Gold, And More
Hawaii Repoter: According to an essay by the NCPA, unemployment statistics may not be a true representation of economic climate.
Hawaii Repoter: According to an essay by the NCPA, unemployment statistics may not be a true representation of economic climate.
The Atlanta Journal-Constitution: Personalized medicine is the future of healthcare, says NCPA President John C. Goodman.
The headline unemployment rate fell to 8.2 percent for June 2012 — down from 9.1 percent one year earlier. A declining unemployment rate is encouraging. But some of the improvement has come from those whose unemployment benefits have run out. Washington does not count these people as “unemployed.”
The Wall Street Journal: Defense cuts and tax increases are two primary factors that will determine the election outcome, says NCPA Board Chairman Pete du Pont.
National Review Online: NCPA President John C. Goodman participates in “Newt U” workshops, along with Utah Governor Gary Herbert, CNBC’s Larry Kudlow and Newt Gingrich.
Los Angeles Times: Doctor shortages are expected after 30 million more people receive coverage under the new healthcare law, says NCPA President John C. Goodman.
Forbes: Ethanol is bad for the economy, bad for consumers and bad for the environment, says NCPA Senior Fellow Sterling Burnett.
Energy Biz: Government incentives for all types of energy should be discontinued, says NCPA Senior Fellow Sterling Burnett.
The Weekly Standard: NCPA President John C. Goodman outlines the answers to today’s healthcare crisis in his new book Priceless: Curing the Healthcare Crisis. NCPA President John C. Goodman outlines five healthcare lies the Obama Campaign is spreading.
Oil and Gas Journal: Expanding domestic oil production and allowing states to manage public land, are two positive aspects of Governor Romney’s energy plan. However, continued support of the federal Renewal Fuel Standard is a mistake, says NCPA Senior Fellow Sterling Burnett.
American Thinker: Third party payers make health care price transparency very difficult, according to the NCPA.
National Journal: President Obama made Republicans cautious by consistently attacking the McCain healthcare plan, says NCPA President John Goodman.
Forbes: Governor Romney’s tax plan will cut tax rates on the middle class despite President Obama’s claims, says NCPA Senior Fellow Peter Ferrara.
Proposed energy policies outlined today in New Mexico by GOP hopeful Mitt Romney will help boost domestic oil production, reducing the U.S. dependence on imported oil – but National Center for Policy Analysis Senior Fellow H. Sterling Burnett gives mixed grades to his other energy proposals.
Forbes: NCPA President John C. Goodman says seniors won’t be fooled, as he lays out ten myths in the Medicare ad wars.
Forbes: NCPA President John C. Goodman says seniors won’t be fooled, as he lays out ten myths in the Medicare ad wars.
Orange County Register: Plastic bags use less energy, and are healthier than reusable bags, says NCPA Senior Fellow Sterling Burnett.
Psychology Today: Healthcare quality will rise as competition among providers increases, says NCPA President John C. Goodman.
Austin American-Statesman: Baby boomers have changed their saving habits, and are spending more than previous generations on housing, education and their children’s debt, says NCPA Senior Fellow Pamela Villarreal.
C-SPAN: NCPA President and CEO John C. Goodman discussing his new book “Priceless” and the healthcare system on C-SPAN’s “Book TV” NCPA President John C. Goodman compares the Ryan budget plan and to the Affordable Care Act.
Breitbart: Plastic bag bans can have negative environmental and economic consequences, according to a new NCPA study. Patients can achieve large scale healthcare reform through Health Savings Accounts, says NCPA President John C. Goodman.
Texas Watchdog: Austin’s pending bag ban could have serious economic effects, according to a new NCPA study.