Saving Money, Saving Lives – Vital Speeches of the Day
Mr. Chairman and members of the Subcommittee, I offer these comments for your consideration as you debate options for increasing the quality of health care and lowering the cost. I …
Mr. Chairman and members of the Subcommittee, I offer these comments for your consideration as you debate options for increasing the quality of health care and lowering the cost. I …
The Obama administration is committed to using federal spending over the next few years in hopes of turning the economy around. It will be funded by continuous, massive budget deficits. Will deficit spending bring about economic recovery? Will a return to Keynesian economic policy bring us economic prosperity?
Interview on Nationalized Health Care
While the debate over how to address health care costs continues across the nation, a coalition of experts from pro-market think tanks released a statement identifying six policy deal-killers for …
Madam Chairwoman and members of the Subcommittee, thank you for the opportunity to join in the debate as you consider different options for adopting health information technology (HIT) and the implementation of policies in the American Recovery and…
The health care systems of all developed countries face three unrelenting problems: rising costs, inadequate quality, and incomplete access to care. Much analysis published in medical journals suggests that other countries have found superior solutions to these problems. This conclusion is at odds with economic research that is published in journals physicians seldom read, using methodologies that are unfamiliar to physicians.
Legislative movement is afoot to address the long term care crisis, but recent efforts may be thwarted as the Obama administration grapples with health care reform, according to public-policy experts. …
Two months ago this column offered an analysis of the Waxman-Markey global warming bill, its enormous cost and its practical impossibilities.
It's college graduation time again, a life-changing moment for young people as they abandon the relatively safe confines of academic life and face the cruel world of job hunting, living on their own, money management, marital relationships, home buying and upkeep, and, possibly, child-rearing.
A leading health economist says President Obama delivered a subtle and unpleasant message to the American Medical Association yesterday, implying that doctors are the main problem behind rising healthcare costs. …
The administration uses the "46 million uninsured" as a reason to nationalize health care. But the Census Bureau says about a fifth of those aren't U.S. citizens. In fact, a goodly number are illegal aliens.
It's been called a highly regressive tax, imposing relatively higher costs on the poor. Another agrees that it would impose a larger burden, relative to income, on low-income households than on high-income households. And these are just its advocates.
Success North Dallas Symposium Looks at Impact on Workers and Employers
John Goodman – Fox News – Health Care Bill 06/14/09 | 3:59 | Video
About 82 percent of Americans receive drinking water via publicly owned water systems, according to the federal Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Many of these municipal and regional systems operate at a loss, meaning users' fees don't cover the cost of treating and delivering the water.
The 2009 Social Security and Medicare Trustees Reports show the combined unfunded liability of these two programs has reached nearly $107 trillion in today's dollars! That is about seven times the size of the U.S. economy and 10 times the size of the outstanding national debt.
The Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993 (FMLA) requires employers to allow employees to take 12 weeks of unpaid leave annually for a serious illness, to care for an immediate family member, or following an adoption or birth. The FMLA now applies to companies that employ 50 or more workers, but during the campaign President Obama supported expanding it to cover businesses with as few as 25 employees.
Expansion of the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) to include employers with 25 or more workers would be counterproductive, especially during a recession, according to a new NCPA report. The FMLA threshold is now 50 employees.
NCPA President John Goodman on FOX News Channel segment on Health Care Reform
However, 10 Sensible Ideas Will Combat Global Warming Now and Boost the Economy
However, 10 Sensible Ideas Will Combat Global Warming Now and Boost the Economy
Global warming is a reality. But whether it is a serious problem – and whether emis- sions of carbon dioxide (CO2) and other greenhouse gases from human fossil fuel use are the principal cause – are uncertain. The current debate over the U. S. response to climate change centers on greenhouse gas emissions reduction policies, which are likely to impose substantially higher costs to society than global warming might.