A Primer on Managed Competition

Managed competition would make no sense unless most health care were delivered in health maintenance organizations (HMOs), employing the techniques of managed care. That is why most proponents of managed competition oppose traditional insurance and fee-for-service medicine. They want physicians to become agents of bureaucracies rather than agents of their patients, and they want medical practice to be determined more by computer-generated mandates than by the physician's best judgment.

The Crime Bill

Responding to polls that show crime to be the number one concern of Americans, Congress is about to act. What is certain to emerge is a bill providing for spending between $15 billion and $22 billion over the next five years.

Inefficiency in the U.S. Health Care System:

We do not always spend health care dollars in the most productive way. The way we pay for health care encourages both patients and physicians to overuse resources. On the average, every time a patient spends a dollar on health care, 79 cents of it is paid by employers, insurance companies, government and charitable giving. That encourages patients to purchase services that they would not purchase if they paid the full bill.