Private Policing Options for the Poor

Protection against criminality is a traditional function of government. Where government fails, however, people often turn to the private sector. That is why there are three times as many private security guards as public police. The need for private security is greatest for low-income families, since they are victimized by crime more often than other income groups. In fact, the rate of crimes against households in poverty is three times greater than against higher income families, according to U.S. Department of Justice data.

The Jitney Potential: Transportation for the Poor

Low-income families need transportation. They need to get to and from jobs, medical clinics and schools — in addition to markets for other jobs and services. The automobile is the most convenient form of transportation, but it is expensive to own and operate. Fares for public transit, such as buses, are low, but the service is slow and inflexible — and the buses may not go where the traveler needs to go.

What to Do about Drug Shortages

American hospitals and physicians are facing an unprecedented shortage of commonly used drugs. President Obama announced his support for legislation to address this problem by requiring drug makers to notify the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) of possible shortages  six months in advance.

What to Do about Drug Shortages

Mr. Chairman and members of the committee, I am Devon Herrick, senior fellow at the National Center for Policy Analysis, a nonprofit, nonpartisan public policy research organization dedicated to developing and promoting private alternatives to government regulation and control, solving problems by relying on the strength of the competitive, entrepreneurial private sector.  I appreciate the opportunity to submit this statement for the record.

Dec 3, 2011

NCPA Senior Fellow, H. Sterling Burnett, Ph.D. will speak at the annual Dupont Summit 2011 hosted by the Policy Studies Organization at the Carnegie Institution for Science in Washington, D.C.  Dr. …

Paying for Pet Projects at the Pump

The federal and state governments levy taxes on gasoline and diesel fuel primarily to fund highway construction and repair. These taxes average 40 cents on every gallon of gas purchased. However, a significant portion of revenue is diverted to other purposes, such as education and public safety.