Who's got the power?

A century ago, and more, we knew where our power came from. Burning logs in a wood stove, burning coal in a steam engine: They were smoky, filthy, parts of our daily lives. Now, the closest most Americans get to the sources of their light, heat, and locomotion are three-pronged plugs and self-serve gasoline.

Over the Cliff

Have you ever fallen off a cliff? If you are younger than 40, you are about to. Social Security is fast approaching a financial precipice that will plunge benefits and smash retirement plans for millions of Americans.

American Dream Alive and Well

One of the most over-used rhetorical devices in politics is the class warfare argument that tax cuts only benefit the rich. Fortunately, this tired, socialist rhetoric is losing its charm because most Americans aren't inclined to believe that socking it to the rich will solve all their problems.

Overblown ogre of 'outsourcing'

Everybody seems to be worried about manufacturing these days. All the Democratic presidential candidates condemn the practice of "outsourcing" – laying off manufacturing workers and buying their output more cheaply from China.


The National Association for Business Economists this morning released the findings of a survey of its members on economic policy issues, finding that significant majorities believe current monetary policy is about right and that the current health care system needs dramatic reform in a market-oriented direction. Among the findings released today are:


It is hard to imagine how our grandparents and great-grandparents lived at the end of the 19th century. The United States was still largely a rural society, and the amenities we take for granted today were unknown then.

Corporate Taxes

U.S. corporate income taxes are among the highest in the world and – unlike most developed countries – the United States imposes them on income earned by corporate subsidiaries in foreign countries. In recent years, an increasing number of American companies have reincorporated abroad to avoid these U.S. taxes. Their actions have been under fire.

Homelessness Grows as More Live Check-to-Check

As Americans file for bankruptcy in record numbers and credit card debt explodes, more workers are a paycheck away from losing their homes. Now the frail economy is pushing them over the edge. With 9 million unemployed workers in July, the face of homelessness is changing to include more families shaken by joblessness.

Revising 1,000 Years of Climate History

One of the cornerstones of the global warming "call to action" is the claim that average global temperatures over the last 1,000 years have remained rather stable, except for the significant warming during the last 100 years. This view is promoted by the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), which argues that recent warm years are mainly due to greenhouse gases emitted from the burning of fossil fuels.