A Conversation with Karl Rove
Former Deputy Chief of Staff and Senior Advisor to President George W. Bush
Former Deputy Chief of Staff and Senior Advisor to President George W. Bush
Health care entrepreneurs working outside the traditional health insurance payment system are using telephone, e-mail, text messaging and innovative computer software to make medical care more accessible and convenient for patients, according to a new study by the National Center for Policy Analysis (NCPA).
Telemedicine – the use of information technology for diagnosis, treatment and monitoring of patients' conditions – brings a new dimension to 21st century health care. Entrepreneurs are using the Internet, improvements in computer software and the advent of high-speed telecommunications networks in innovative ways to make medical care more accessible and convenient to patients, to raise quality and to reduce costs.
It is increasingly clear that economic freedom, good governance and rule of law are key drivers in promoting economic growth and reducing poverty. In Sub-Saharan Africa, unfortunately, economic freedom and growth have trailed the rest of the world. One result is that the health of Sub-Saharan Africans is among the worst in the world. According to the World Economic Forum, a child born in Niger is 40 times more likely to die before her fifth birthday than a child born in the United Kingdom.
Fewer small employers offered health insurance this year, despite the widespread availability of new, lower-cost high-deductible insurance plans, a survey released today by benefit firm Mercer shows. Click here to …
The United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change is meeting this week to negotiate another summary of its already released report on climate change. The summary will not offer any new science or evidence of human-caused climate change, but will offer the body's politicians and activists a fresh chance to keep the issue in the news, according to H. Sterling Burnett, a senior fellow with the National Center for Policy Analysis (NCPA).
Government policies have contributed to high gas prices, by reducing refining capacity. Yet instead of seeking to alleviate the problem, Congress is debating ways to make matters even worse, according to a new report released by the National Center for Policy Analysis (NCPA).
Rising oil and gasoline prices have many causes that are beyond the control of the U.S. government. However, government policies have contributed to higher prices by reducing domestic refining capacity, which has limited the supply of gasoline. No new oil refineries have been built in the United States for almost 30 years, and many refineries have closed.
In 2005, more than one-fifth (22.4 percent) of Hispanics 16 through 24 years of age were dropouts, according to the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES). This means they were not enrolled in school, and had not graduated from high school or passed General Educational Development (GED) tests.
One hundred eleven years ago, in 1896, the state of Utah joined the Union. Today its Legislature is focused on enacting sound policies that will help improve its education system. …
Crude oil futures surged today to a record high of $98.62 per barrel, propelled by a sharp drop in crude oil supplies-a problem that could have been averted had Congress started taking steps 10 years ago, says H. Sterling Burnett, senior fellow with the National Center for Policy Analysis (NCPA).
Texas is at the forefront of a blossoming nationwide charter school movement. Although charter schools are publicly funded, they are free of some of the regulations that burden public schools and are managed independently. Charter schools are subject to the state's accountability system, including the annual Texas Assessment of Knowledge and Skills (TAKS).
Hatton W. Sumners Distinguished Lecture Series
Former Governor of Florida
A global warming bill on the move in the U.S. Senate would needlessly slow economic growth and reduce the nation's ability to pursue other programs with bigger payoffs in terms of improved human health and welfare, according to H. Sterling Burnett, a senior fellow with the National Center for Policy Analysis (NCPA).
One of the most promising solutions for our nation’s soaring health care costs may be found in patients traveling outside the country for care, according to a new study released by the National Center for Policy Analysis (NCPA).
To confront America's health care crisis, we do not need more spending, more regulations or more bureaucracy. We do need people, however, including every doctor and every patient. All 300 million Americans must be free to use their intelligence, their creativity and their innovative ability to make the changes needed to create access to low-cost, high-quality health care.
Global competition is emerging in the health care industry. Wealthy patients from developing countries have long traveled to developed countries for high quality medical care. Now, a growing number of less-affluent patients from developed countries are traveling to regions once characterized as "third world." These patients are seeking high quality medical care at affordable prices.