Congressional Brief: Public Lands

The federal government owns some of the nation’s most magnificent landscapes and treasured resources, but it also owns some lands with no particularly striking characteristics or special environmental value. Unfortunately, it has managed the public’s natural resources as poorly as it has managed the federal budget. Unable to balance land use and preservation, government management of public lands has shifted between periods of exploitation or overuse and periods of “protection” or “preservation” bordering on neglect. The result has been degradation of the public lands and the wildlife that depends on them.

Medicare/MediScare Spending

National Review Online – The work of National Center for Policy Analysis President John Goodman and Senior Fellow Thomas Saving on Medicare spending provides a springboard for an article about Medicare spending.

Mediscare: The Surprising Truth

Wall Street Journal – While critics portray Republicans as Medicare grinches, the NCPA’s John Goodman and Tom Saving show in an oped in this morning’s Wall St. Journal (link) that there is very little difference between what Rep. Paul Ryan’s plan will spend on Medicare and what ObamaCare does, but with very different results for seniors.

Mediscare: The Surprising Truth

Wall Street Journal – While critics portray Republicans as Medicare grinches, the NCPA’s John Goodman and Tom Saving show in an oped in this morning’s Wall St. Journal (link) that there is very little difference between what Rep. Paul Ryan’s plan will spend on Medicare and what ObamaCare does, but with very different results for seniors.

May 26, 2011

NCPA Senior Fellow H. Sterling Burnett, Ph.D. will speak at the monthly meeting of the Arlington Republican Club at the Rolling Hills Country Club in Arlington, Texas.  The subject of …

Four More Dollars?

The Wall Street Journal – The U.S. Treasury reports that the federal government ran up $870 billion in red ink in the first seven months of this fiscal year. That is $70 billion, or 9%, higher than at the same point in fiscal 2010, which ended up with a record $1.3 trillion deficit.