Priceless: Chapter 5

The Incidental Economist: In their latest review,  Austin Frakt and Aaron Carroll review chapter 5 of NCPA President John C. Goodman’s book Priceless: Curing the Healthcare Crisis.

Joy in Our Town

TBN: National Center for Policy Analysis Senior Fellow Pamela Villarreal discussing the unemployment rate, hiring and taxes in the Dallas area and the nation.

The Election Isn’t Over

The Wall Street Journal: Outside events and the upcoming debates could be the determining factors in the 2012 presidential election, says NCPA Chairman of the Board Pete du Pont.

The Election Isn’t Over

The Wall Street Journal: Outside events and the upcoming debates could be the determining factors in the 2012 presidential election, says NCPA Chairman of the Board Pete du Pont.

The Crisis of the Uninsured Is Far from Over

The number of people who lack health coverage fell to 48.6 million in 2011 — down slightly from 49.9 million the year before, according to the U.S. Census Bureau. A bright spot in the new report is that about 407,000 fewer adults between the ages of 35 and 44 were uninsured in 2011.

Save Our Seniors by Delaying ObamaCare

Regardless of whether they are supporters or opponents of the Affordable Care Act (ACA, or ObamaCare) members of Congress will have to revisit the legislation soon to correct some serious flaws. Here is a revenue neutral approach to begin the necessary corrections: Delay the scheduled cuts in Medicare spending by five years and pay for that expense by delaying the 2014 starting date of ObamaCare by two years.

Critical Metals 101

STAFF BRIEFING INVITATION Critical Metals 101 A primer on rare earths and other critical metals for Congressional Staff co-sponsored by the National Center for Policy Analysis andAmerican Resources Policy Network …