Rate hike fodder for Bush, Kerry camps
Even before the Federal Reserve followed through on long-held expectations for a rate hike, aides to President Bush and Democratic challenger John Kerry argued over what the move said about the economy.
Even before the Federal Reserve followed through on long-held expectations for a rate hike, aides to President Bush and Democratic challenger John Kerry argued over what the move said about the economy.
Fatherless families are a growing problem, but the principal cause is not bad behavior or the fault of fathers; it is government policies with respect to divorce and child support.
Good afternoon. I am John Berthoud, President of the National Taxpayers' Union. I'm very pleased that you could all join us today. This is the second in a series of four sessions being hosted by NTU and Heritage and Citizens Against Government Waste.
In a recent interview, Nobel Prize-winning economist James Buchanan lamented the incentive structure in academia, which tends to reward those who find exceptions to accepted economic principles. By contrast, those who restate them — however opaquely, in the academic fashion — find themselves somewhere down the list of desirable tenure candidates.
Question: My husband and I need assistance figuring out the tax benefit, if any, if I stay home with our son.
Currently, my husband makes $52,000. After 403(b) contributions, health insurance, etc., he brings home $49,000 after taxes…
A new report by Congress' official budget shop, the Congressional Budget Office, sent the Social Security universe into a tizzy. The CBO report says Social Security's long-term debt is slightly smaller than the $10.4 trillion price tag estimated by Social Security's trustees back in March.
In the 2004 Budget, President Bush proposed to simplify and expand saving incentives. Instead of choosing from among a bewildering array of narrowly focused accounts, individuals would be able to save much larger amounts in a Lifetime Savings Account usable for any purpose and a Retirement Savings Account designed for retirement. His proposals will stimulate broader debates over tax reform and Social Security reform.
The presence of a father is critical to a child's health, safety and upbringing.
Ronald Reagan's economic achievements were among the most important of his presidency. When he took office in January 1981 the American economy was suffering from many ills, including slow growth, high inflation, rising unemployment, and unprecedented interest rates.
Social Security and Medicare benefits are on a course to crowd out funding for every other government program in the absence of significant tax increases.
The 2004 Medicare and Social Security Trustees Reports show that programs for the elderly are on an unsustainable course. The expenditures exceed the revenues to be collected, and the funding gap is projected to grow through time.
The 2004 annual reports for Social Security and Medicare examine the short- and long-term health of these programs, and highlight the financial burdens they will create for future generations. If not reformed in a timely and responsible way, Social Security and Medicare will consume an ever-increasing portion of workers' incomes or the government must break its promises to future retirees.