Focus Point – The Real Story on Texas Health Care
Before you swallow a dose of bad medicine ? in the form of liberal propaganda about the Texas health care system, consider this.
Before you swallow a dose of bad medicine ? in the form of liberal propaganda about the Texas health care system, consider this.
Physicians and patients in the United States have better access to innovative treatments than do those in any other developed country. And the U.S. has become the world leader in biotechnology, including the development and manufacture of new drugs. The main reason is the lack of price controls. In almost every other industrialized country, choice of and access to the most effective new drugs are limited by drug price controls and other government restrictions.
If you own a business, beware. OSHA's on the regulatory warpath again.
A colleague told me about a casual conversation with two business acquaintances the other day. The two, one in his early 40s, the other in his early 50s, both said matter-of-factly that they didn't think Social Security would still be around when they retired.
If you want some scary reading, pick up a new Heritage Foundation study or read the recent flood of articles about U.S. military readiness.
The National Center for Policy Analysis (NCPA) today announced the launch of a commercial television advertising campaign to educate the general public about the benefits of personal investment in Social Security reform.
Social Security reform has emerged as one of the defining issues of the 2000 election. Proposals to "save" Social Security have fueled an onslaught of criticism and praise of the current system – some accurate, some in the neighborhood and some not even close. A number of myths and half-truths about Social Security have clouded the dialogue.
On July 19 the House voted to expand the amount taxpayers can invest in Individual Retirement Accounts (IRAs) and 401(k) retirement plans. With the help of 181 Democrats, the Republican-initiated proposal passed 401 to 25. Despite the measure's bipartisan support, it prompted a polemical attack from the White House, which issued a "fact sheet" against congressional tax bills, arguing they would drain money from the surplus, leave too little for "key priorities" (spending) and fail to equally benefit those who pay taxes and those who do not.
If I had a book on, it would probably do well. That's because a surprising number of the top 25 best-selling economics books are by free market economists. What's curious is how they got there.
Slowly but inexorably, the tide seems to be moving in the direction of equal opportunity in education for the nation's poor and minority children.
I'm Pete du Pont with the National Center for Policy Analysis with a tip the next time your liberal friends fret about a tax cut. You know the lines: "It's a risky experiment! We'll be plunging into the unknown!" and other liberal assertions.
We are a thirsty country. The United States is exhausting its freshwater resources faster than they are replenished. Yet in the face of impending water shortages, we continue to rely on an outdated government regulations to manage our water supply.
The National Center for Policy Analysis (NCPA SM) will unveil a national educational advertising initiative at a news conference Wednesday, Sept. 27, at the National Press Club.
You know how we've always ragged on Europeans for being tax gluttons? Well, as Americans literally cook up of the world cook up *reform* schemes that will only result in more taxes here, guess who's cutting them there?
Fresh from his populist rebirth at the Democrats convention, Vice President Al Gore is traveling from town to town railing against the "big drug companies" and arguing that "no senior should have to choose between food and prescription drugs."
Not very long ago, we lived in an era of deregulation. In telecommunications, trucking, airlines, oil and gas, and advertising, the dead hand of government regulation was lifted. Price and service competition revived in newly freed industries, much to the benefit of consumers.
Guess who's come out for vouchers? Former Clinton Labor secretary Robert Reich, who says Clinton — and Al Gore– are wrong.
Yesterday we talked about George W. Bush's plan for your money: He wants to give it back in a tax cut. So what are Al Gore's plans?
Policy analysts and health care advocates often lament the plight of those Americans who lack health insurance. Yet most overlook the reasons why people do not have health insurance. If income were the only determinant, a simple income-based subsidy might alleviate the problem. Further, if all people valued health insurance equally, those families who qualify for public programs like Medicaid would enroll if they could not afford insurance. However, the matter is far more complex, as can be seen by examining five myths about health insurance in the United States.
Who would benefit from George W. Bush's across-the-board tax cut plan?
When presidential contender Al Gore says we must "honor our commitment to the future" and "guarantee Social Security is there when you retire," it appears he is just talking to baby boomers and not Generation Xers and younger Americans. For younger workers, Gore's reform plans just don't deliver.
Bill Clinton's veto of the bill ending the estate tax was a poke in the eye for a lot of middle-income taxpayers.
A left-leaning federal judge in Texas ruled recently that the Medicaid system in the state was not to his liking, and ordered changes. This isn't too surprising, as activist judges in Texas have a history of attempting to take over everything from prisons to schools.
With the Medical Savings Accounts demonstration project due to expire on December 31, 2000, National Center for Policy Analysis health policy experts John C. Goodman, Greg Scandlen and Jack Strayer, all of whom helped develop and market the concept of Medical Savings Accounts, are available to comment.