Minimum Wage
Host intro: If you thought the minimum wage debate went away when Congress raised the rate in the last session, commentator Pete du Pont of the National Center for Policy Analysis says think again.
Host intro: If you thought the minimum wage debate went away when Congress raised the rate in the last session, commentator Pete du Pont of the National Center for Policy Analysis says think again.
Host intro: Some in the White House don't like the media coverage they're getting. A 331-page report outlines how they think bad news is made. Commentator Pete du Pont of the National Center for Policy Analysis thinks there's an easier explanation than the document they've produced.
When the messenger fails, blame the message. So says the conventional Washington wisdom.
Host intro: A recent Wall Street Journal opinion poll finds that 57 percent of the public ranks crime at the top of its concerns, despite the fact that crime statistics are down. Commentator Pete du Pont thinks he knows why.
Host intro: Do you ever wish you could change just one thing in history? Commentator Pete du Pont of the National Center for Policy Analysis has thought about it, and waves his magic wand today.
Giving people more economic freedom has been implicit in many Republican and Democratic proposals, yet neither party has turned it into an agenda for the 105th Congress. Both should.
While the estate and gift tax is insignificant in terms of federal revenue, it is quite significant economically. It wastes resources. It discourages work, saving and investment. And it does virtually nothing to redistribute wealth (as some who favor it would like). In short, the estate and gift tax is a failure. It should be abolished.
Critics say the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996 goes too far, cutting too much from welfare spending and harming poor children and legal immigrants. Are the criticisms accurate? Let's take a closer look.
Host intro: There's a new feature in U.S. government beginning with this congressional session: the line item veto. Commentator Pete du Pont of the National Center for Policy Analysis says it's been a long time coming.
Host intro: Do we have too many rules? Pete du Pont of the National Center for Policy Analysis recently took part in one of William F. Buckley's "Firing Line" debates to consider that question.
Host intro: With a new autobiography and a movie about his exploits, Hustler publisher Larry Flynt has been hailed as the new First Amendment poster boy. It doesn't sit well with commentator Pete du Pont of the National Center for Policy Analysis, and at least one unusual ally.
Host intro: The natural antipathy that politicians have for reporters is often reciprocated. Commentator Pete du Pont of the National Center for Policy Analysis says it's bad for the country. But he says a recent story holds a glimmer of hope.
There are easy ways to make health insurance less expensive, and easy ways to make it more expensive. Unfortunately, Congress appears determined to look only at the latter.
Host intro: This month the Supreme Court heard arguments on whether there is a constitutional right to assisted suicide. We'll have to wait until summer to hear their opinion. Commentator Pete du Pont of the National Center for Policy Analysis has his today.
Why is there so much juvenile crime? Pete du Pont of the National Center for Policy Analysis says there are two reasons.
Host intro: President Clinton's biggest setback in his first term was over nationalizing health insurance. Commentator Pete du Pont of the National Center for Policy Analysis says a different version of that fight could crop up again this year.
Host intro: President Clinton promised that the era of big government is over. Commentator Pete du Pont of the National Center for Policy Analysis says he's still waiting.
Host intro: Commentator Pete du Pont edits Intellectual Capital, an online magazine of Policy Opinion. In it, former newsman Marvin Kalb recently wrote about the negative impact of television on politics. Du Pont concurs.
Host intro: The biggest fight of Bill Clinton's first administration was over health care. Commentator Pete du Pont of the National Center for Policy Analysis says the fight goes on, and the bad guys are winning.
Earlier this month President Clinton's Social Security Council made a startling recommendation: that individuals be allowed to put a portion of their payroll taxes into some kind of personal savings account like an Individual Retirement Account, with Social Security benefits being reduced accordingly.
Contrary to popular opinion, the last Congress was one of the most environmentally active ever, passing three major environmental bills and a host of minor ones.
Host intro: A piece in Newsweek magazine's year in review issue speculated why Americans have such a passion for conspiracy theories. Commentator Pete du Pont has his own ideas.
Host intro: If you were to comb the movies over the past couple of years, it would be easy to spot the number one script writer. Pete du Pont of the National Center for Policy Analysis says Tinseltown is onto something.
Some environmentalists portrayed congressional attempts to modify clean air, clean water and safe drinking-water laws as giving corporations license to pollute and to endanger America's children. Others saw these efforts as bringing common sense and sound science to bear on environmental policy.
Host intro: 1996 saw the stock market move to new highs almost weekly. Will 1997 be as successful? Commentator Pete du Pont of the National Center for Policy Analysis tapped an expert's opinion to find out.