Solar Subsidies are Saturated

Energy Biz Insider – Solar photovoltaic is among the fastest growing segments of the energy market. Globally, grid-connected solar capacity increased at an average annual rate of 60 percent from 2004 to 2009, faster than any other energy source.

Solar Subsidies are Saturated

Solar photovoltaic is among the fastest growing segments of the energy market. Globally, grid-connected solar capacity increased at an average annual rate of 60 percent from 2004 to 2009, faster than any other energy source.

William J. Gedwed

President and Chief Executive Officer Asparron Capital, LLC WILLIAM J. GEDWED is President and Chief Executive Officer of Asparron Capital, LLC. He previously served as President and Chief Executive Officer …

Can This Economy Be Saved?

The Wall Street Journal – America’s economy is in the doldrums again. Economic growth is weak—just 1.8% a year in the last quarter. Government spending is increasing—to a projected 25.3% of gross domestic product this year from 20.7% in 2008—while revenues are down to 14.4% of GDP from 17.5% in 2008.

Can This Economy Be Saved?

The Wall Street Journal – America’s economy is in the doldrums again. Economic growth is weak—just 1.8% a year in the last quarter. Government spending is increasing—to a projected 25.3% of gross domestic product this year from 20.7% in 2008—while revenues are down to 14.4% of GDP from 17.5% in 2008.

Global warming or Little ice age?

Despite convincing evidence that observed climate changes do not portend a calamitous future, global warming alarmism is invading nearly every aspect of our society and leading global climatologist Dr. Patrick J. Michaels will challenge many global warming claims at an author’s luncheon on Monday, June 20.

The Return(s) to Gold

After Congress repealed the prohibition on owning gold in 1975, the market price shot up to $139 an ounce. Recent concern over the 2008 stock market crash, and doubts about the strength of the dollar have led many investors to buy gold. Gold is at its highest price in history, over $1,400 an ounce.

A Brief History of the Gold Standard

Congress established a mint in 1792 and defined the dollar in terms of a specific weight in both gold and silver. This put the new republic on a bimetallic standard, common at the time. Initially, the official ratio of gold to silver at the mint overvalued gold relative to silver, so silver became the de facto standard.