The Trump Administration’s Attempt to Slow Obamacare’s Collapse through Rulemaking

Obamacare is enrolling too many sick people and too few healthy ones to prevent a death spiral. The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), a unit of the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services (HHS), has proposed a new rule to stabilize the Obamacare markets for individual health insurance. This was the first rule issued since Dr. Tom Price was appointed HHS secretary. The proposed Market Stabilization rule includes a number of measures to prevent people from entering the market when sick and exiting when healthy.

Who Is Responsible for Rising Drug Costs?

Americans’ prescription drug bills are rising. Most drugs are affordable, but prices for a few drugs exceed the average mortgage payment. They can be especially costly when there are only one, two or three patented drugs in a given therapeutic class. Drug makers are free to establish whatever price they believe the market will bear and, depending on the number of competitors, they could have significant pricing power.

How to Make New Drugs More Affordable

Over the past several years, a few high-priced drugs have elevated drug spending to a political issue. Patients are more sensitive to rising costs due to increasing deductibles and, because consumers pay more of their drug costs, pharmaceutical companies are less able to pass on high prices without anyone noticing.

A Bogus Solution for High Drug Costs

Most of the drugs Americans take are lower cost generics — accounting for about 88 percent of prescriptions. Generics are cheap because they are no longer protected by patents and different manufacturers …

How to Pay for Medicare

Executive Summary Medicare, the health care program for the elderly, now provides insurance coverage for over 50 million Americans, and accounts for 20 percent of the $3 trillion spent annually on health …

NCPA Alternatives to Obamacare

Goals of Health Reform Health reform must replace Obamacare with increased flexibility in health plan design; tax fairness regardless of where Americans get their health coverage; increased access to primary care …

The Doctor Will See You Now?

Digital technology and mobile applications have changed the face of nearly every service-oriented industry. Mobile health care (mHealth) applications offer access to basic care and routine monitoring anytime, anywhere. Telemedicine — the use …

Denver VA versus Dallas Parkland

Denver and Dallas both had aging public hospitals in need of replacement: one served the most vulnerable of the city’s population, the other served the most valiant. The Veterans’ Administration (VA) hospital …