Does It Pay to Work?

What is the economic reward for working? The answer is surprisingly complicated. Going to work, earning a living, and spending one's earnings over time raises a variety of taxes and government benefits and lowers a variety of taxes and benefits – and not just in the current year, but in all future years as well.

Symposium on Health Care

The NCPA is one of the sponsors of a major symposium on health care in Washington, DC. “Toward Affordable Health Care: Prescriptions for Today” will be held Monday, March 31, 2003 in Washington, DC.

Social Security in Worse Health Than News Suggests

Contrary to news reports that the 2003 Social Security and Medicare Trustees report pronounced Social Security in better health than last year, Thomas R. Saving, one of the report's authors, said today "the prospects for the two programs together have deteriorated significantly since just last year."

Getting Serious

Protests against war in Iraq have been raging all across America and England as well as Continental Europe. Passionate peace protests are nothing new; we saw them in 1933 when the British Oxford Union declared it would "in no circumstances fight for its King and country," against the Vietnam War in the 1970s, and in 1983 against NATO's proposal to install Pershing missiles to defend Western Europe against Soviet Russia.

Uninsured Week: Get The Other Side

The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, along with several other organizations, have declared this "Cover the Uninsured Week," and are scheduled to stage a series of events to focus attention on the problem and proposed solutions.

Work Extracts a Heavy Toll

Most Americans lose more than half of the income they earn to taxes and lost government benefits, with the highest penalties imposed on low-income workers.

New Uninsured Study Doesn't Match Author's Rhetoric

According to health policy experts with the National Center for Policy Analysis (NCPA), a study on the number of Americans without health insurance released this week by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and Families USA "doesn't match the rhetoric of its authors."

The IRS vs. Foreign Investment

Foreigners have invested more than $1 trillion in capital in the United States since 1984, when Congress and the Reagan administration established a policy of not taxing interest they earn on U.S. bank deposits.