The Truth About Wages
Workers have chosen to take more of their compensation in the form of benefits, and their choice is not surprising. Benefits are tax free, whereas wages are taxable.
Workers have chosen to take more of their compensation in the form of benefits, and their choice is not surprising. Benefits are tax free, whereas wages are taxable.
Since the ability to rapidly mobilize large numbers of trained law enforcement authorities is vital to stopping a riot, one solution is greater use of reserve law enforcement officers in an emergency.
Ross Perot has a knack for identifying those issues that are important to voters. Just a week after congressional leaders said that Medicare reform would be the biggest policy issue this fall, his book on Medicare hit the stands. Intensive Care is a book about the crisis facing Medicare and Medicaid, the federal and federal/state health insurance programs for the elderly and poor.
In 1776, American colonists began a war for independence from the tyranny of King George III. It was a war against taxes, tariffs, regulations and rules imposed by a monarch thousands of miles away wielding absolute power over the people and their endeavors.
Earlier this year, the National Center for Policy Analysis addressed the Medicare financing crisis with a proposal similar to the one now being considered by the Republican leadership in Congress.
Social Security recipients under age 70 who earn more than a modest amount from wages or salary are America's most heavily taxed citizens.
When people on welfare earn income, they face two types of penalties. Not only do they have to pay taxes on their earnings, but they have their welfare benefits reduced as well. This reduction in benefits is a de facto tax, because it reduces their net income the same way direct taxes do.
Question: Why does the United States have the lowest savings rate of any major nation?
Washington, D. C. — Pete du Pont, former Governor of Delaware and currently Policy Chairman of the National Center for Policy Analysis, today issued a call for limiting the power of the federal government and returning power to the states by strengthening the Constitution's Tenth Amendment.
In July, President Clinton welcomed the 30th birthday of Medicare with fanfare, politics and posturing. Speaking to a group of seniors celebrating the anniversary, the president said, "I got the message of the 1994 election, and I'm not going to let the government mess with your Medicare."
This study examines the choices private insurers will be able to offer as alternatives to the government-run program if they are given a voucher for the average estimated per-person Medicare cost of $4,848 in 1996.
Unlike most countries in the world today, which finance their social security systems on a pay-as-you-go basis, Singapore requires people to save for their own retirement.