Focus Point – Canadian National Health System
I've picked on the Canadian National Health System before, but it isn't gratuitous.
I've picked on the Canadian National Health System before, but it isn't gratuitous.
At President Clinton's direction, the Department of Labor has published a proposed regulation that would allow states to pay unemployment insurance (UI) benefits to fathers and mothers who take time off for the birth or adoption of a child.
If the United States were to adopt the Canadian single–payer system of financing health care as some advocate, the change would not solve many of the problems attributed to the present system. Rather, it would replace one set of problems with another. According to a survey sponsored by the Harvard School of Public Health, which measured public opinion toward health care in five English–speaking countries, people in all five countries had roughly the same level of discontent with their system.
When James Hansen, director of NASA's Goddard Institute, testified before the Senate in 1988 that he was "99 percent" certain that human-caused greenhouse gases were changing the climate, Sen. (now Vice President) Al Gore took Hansen's argument seriously. In his book Earth in the Balance, Gore argued that human-caused global warming is the greatest threat facing civilization. In addition, the September 7th Washington Times reported that at Gore's 51st birthday party in 1999, he said his home state of Tennessee had warmed substantially since he was born. To prevent global warming, Gore advocates that the U.S. ratify a treaty that would reduce energy use and economic growth.
Why do many seniors lack insurance coverage for prescription drugs?
Now that January's winding up, I'm still awaiting the return of the chicken littles. I'd like to think Y2K shut them up, but I doubt it. Not when there's still recession, debt, trade disaster and evil globalism to rant against. But just as with the Y2K non-disaster, the evidence, as Dallas fed economist Richard Alm recently pointed out, is on the side of the optimists.
Policy experts from the Dallas-based National Center for Policy Analysis will be available to offer insight and analysis on the policy proposals made during President Clinton's State of the Union address.
In his State of the Union address this evening, President Clinton is expected to put forward a proposal to reduce the impact of the marriage penalty in the Tax Code.
I will now demonstrate the difference between people who understand the meaning of free trade, and those who don't.
Dr. John C. Goodman, president of the National Center for Policy Analysis and leading free-market health policy innovator, is available to comment on the bi-partisan health insurance tax credit proposal unveiled today, which is based in part on proposals first made by Goodman and the NCPA.
Responding to the announcement by Sens. Jeffords, Breaux, and Frist and House Majority Leader Armey of their bipartisan proposal to provide tax credits for the purchase of health insurance, National Center for Policy Analysis President John C. Goodman, Ph.D., issued the following statement
Responding to the announcement by Sens. Jeffords, Breaux, and Frist and House Majority Leader Armey of their bipartisan proposal to provide tax credits for the purchase of health insurance, National Center for Policy Analysis President John C. Goodman, Ph.D., issued the following statement.
Critics of government lawsuits against tobacco companies and gunmakers have picked up a surprising ally: former Clinton labor secretary Robert Reich. He says his former boss is making — his words — blatant end runs around the democratic process.
always said I'd be equally happy with a flat tax or a sales tax if it meant ditching the current IRS income tax. But some numbers have made me rethink my sales tax comfort level.
Our unemployment insurance system needs to be reformed. Although most employers pay a payroll tax on all their workers for the purpose, only 38% of the unemployed get benefits. Furthermore, the system is subject to abuse, and economists agree that the benefits encourage the jobless to stay unemployed longer.
The Clinton administration wants an increase in corporate taxes to crack down on corporate tax shelters that reduce tax revenues.
Now that the Social Security Administration has begun distributing taxpayers benefit estimations, the NCPA has unveiled the most personal and accurate Internet Social Security Benefits Calculator available.
The National Center for Policy Analysis announced today that an episode of the nationally syndicated program DebatesDebates, a series programs which are sponsored by the NCPA, will air locally on DCTV this coming week.
Late last year I suggested that if republicans want to pass tax cuts this session, they should hold off on a huge package that Bill Clinton and congressional liberals can demagogue to death and cherry pick instead. In other words, go with the most attractive, easiest-to-sell cuts.
I had to read the wall street journal story twice to believe it. The department of health and human services investigated a new jersey hospital which treated any patient, rich or poor, for free. And now, the Deborah Heart and Lung Center faces civil and criminal charges, prosecution and fines — for dispensing charity.
Commonly known as an attack of the family farm, the death tax wastes resources, discourages work, savings and investment, and does virtually nothing to equalize the distribution of wealth.
I have to acknowledge a queasy sense of DEJA VU when governor George W. Bush promised no new taxes — indeed, promised a tax cut — during a recent debate. At least he didn't say "read my lips."
The National Center for Policy Analysis announced today that a new episode of the nationally syndicated program DebatesDebates, a series of programs, which are sponsored by the NCPA, will be made available to stations starting Wednesday.
It's official. Jesse Jackson has finally gone over the edge. It was bad enough that Jackson railed against punishing kids who started a riot in the stands at a football game.
Yet another tax-funded school voucher case is wending its way through the courts, this time from Cleveland.