DALLAS (Jan. 26, 2000) — Dr. John C. Goodman, president of the National Center for Policy Analysis and leading free-market health policy innovator, is available to comment on the bi-partisan health insurance tax credit proposal unveiled today, which is based in part on proposals first made by Goodman and the NCPA.
As one of the founders of the patient power agenda and an architect of the tax credit concept, Goodman can provide important insight and analysis on the strength and scope of the proposal.
WHO: Dr. John C. Goodman, NCPA President
WHAT: Bi-Partisan Health Care Plan
WHEN: Available Immediately
Dr. Goodman, who is commonly referred to as the "the father of Medical Savings Accounts," has been an innovative advocate of proposals to shift the power in our health care system towards patients and away from impersonal bureaucracies. He authored the book Patient Power: Solving America's Health Care Crisis, the condensed version of which sold 300,000 copies and is credited with playing a pivotal role in the defeat of the Clinton administration's 1994 health care plan. Dr. Goodman writes extensively on health care policy, including, Reforming the U.S. Health Care System, which is one of the most comprehensive analyses available on the subject of tax credits for health insurance. This report can be found at http://www.ncpathinktank.org/pub/bg149.