Benjamin Carson, MD

Benjamin Carson, MD   American neurosurgeon, directorof pediatric neurosurgery at Johns Hopkins Hospital. WHEN:      Friday, November 1, 2013                  12:00PM – 1:15PM WHERE:  Renaissance Dallas Hotel                 Grand Ballroom                  2222 Stemmons Freeway                 Dallas, TX 75207 …

The Risk Pool Question

National Review Online: NCPA President John C. Goodman says that the conservative approach to comprehensive health care reform requires an exchange of ideas between think tanks and law makers.

Guns, Bombs and Government Rather than passing more gun control legislation, the government would be better served to enforce current laws already in place, says NCPA President John C. Goodman.

Make Government Less Taxing

Americans don’t like things that are inefficient, costly or unfair. Our federal tax code seems designed to be all three, a failing exacerbated by a patchwork of economically distorting subsidies and preferences found throughout the code and elsewhere.

NCPA Internships and Associateships

NCPA’s Associate Program provides opportunities to gain meaningful, hands-on experience, working directly with policy experts and senior staff in our Dallas headquarters office. Associate positions are available in Public Policy …

Examining the Lack of Transparency and Consumer Driven Market Forces in U.S. Health Care

Mr. Chairman and members of the Committee, thank you for the opportunity to testify on this important topic. I am John Goodman, president of the National Center for Policy Analysis (NCPA). A nonprofit, nonpartisan public policy research organization, the NCPA is dedicated to developing and promoting private alternatives to government regulation and control, and solving problems by relying on the strength of the competitive, entrepreneurial private sector. I welcome the opportunity to share my views and look forward to your questions.

Are Corporate Bonds Worth a Look?

In this age of low returns on certificates of deposit and jitters over the stock market, many investors wonder where to put their money. One option is corporate bonds. Corporations issue bonds to finance expansion or acquisition of other firms. According to the Securities Industry and Financial Markets Association, the value of U.S. corporate bonds was $1.36 trillion in 2012.

Why ObamaCare May Cost You Your Job In his latest commentary, NCPA President John C. Goodman gives five alternative options for employers to avoid the increase in healthcare costs associated with the Affordable Care Act.

Thatcher's Enemies In his latest commentary, NCPA President John C. Goodman examines the ideological battles fought by the late Margaret Thatcher.

Virginia James

Virginia James Virginia James is a former NCPA Board member. She is on the Board of Trustees for the Foundation for Education Reform & Accountability.

Don Buchholz

Don Buchholz, Chairman Emeritus, SWS Group, Inc. Don Buchholz is a former NCPA Board member. Buchholz is founder of Southwest Securities and Chairman Emeritus of SWS Group, Inc. and serves …