Slow Down Climate Change Treaty!

As expected, President Clinton has pledged a U.S. commitment to slow global warming, but he didn't offer any specific plan in his speech Thursday at the United Nations Earth Summit.

Why Treasury's Numbers Don't Add Up

One of the most important factors in evaluating tax legislation is the distributional impact of the tax changes. The Treasury Department produces tables showing the effects of tax cuts and tax increases on people with different incomes. However, Treasury's distribution tables bear no relationship to reality, and fail to convey to policymakers any sense of how people are actually affected by proposed tax changes.

Why Not Free the Schools, Too?

The approach of Independence Day affords us a time to marvel at the genius of what the Founding Fathers created for us in the new nation that grew out of the Declaration of Independence and ensuing events: a nation based not on allegiance to a ruler but on individual rights.

One Last Chance For KidCare

As part of the recent budget agreement, President Clinton and Congressional leaders agreed to spend $16 billion over the next five years on health insurance for children. Now the question facing Congress is: What's the best way to spend the money?

Compulsory Union Dues and Republican Timidity

Republicans almost lost their majority on Capitol Hill in the '96 elections and have since resembled Clark Kent more often than Superman. Their mild mannered Resist-and-Retreat routine is no expressway to smaller government and more freedom. They've forgotten what General Douglas MacArthur told them at their 1952 National Convention: "It is fatal to enter any war without the will to win it."

Congress Should Do Unto Business What It Has Done Unto States

As part of the Contract With America, Congress passed the Unfunded Mandates Reform Act of 1995. The legislation restricts the ability of Congress to pass laws that would impose costly burdens on state, local and tribal governments. Under the legislation, any proposed bill that would impose a cost of more than $50 million on a state or local government would be subject to a "point of order" – a procedural move that would permit congressmen to stop the legislation unless a majority voted to override the point of order. In addition, the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) has to estimate the cost of mandates imposed on private-sector businesses if the mandates exceed $100 million.

Will Minivans Become an Endangered Species?

A casual glance at the nation's highways shows that much has changed in the last 25 years. The changes include fewer large family cars on the road, a dramatic increase in the number of light trucks and sport utility vehicles (SUVs) and the introduction of minivans. If federal regulators have their way, minivans and SUVs will go the way of the station wagon. In the process, American lives, especially those of children, will be put at risk and gas will be wasted.