A Victory For School Children

The recent decision by the Wisconsin Supreme Court that it's constitutionally acceptable to use tax-funded vouchers for elementary and secondary education in both secular and religious schools accomplishes at least three good things:

A Father's Day Wish From the Father of Our Country

Father's Day is here once again, which made me wonder what George Washington, the Father of Our Country (who had no children of his own), would think if he were here to see what his political children have accomplished. I'm not sure he would have a happy Father's Day. Washington was both optimistic and concerned about the future of the country. He believed that the Founding Fathers had done an excellent job in creating a republic based on the rule of law, but he was also afraid that partisan politics, a decline in morality and foreign entanglements could undermine the country.

Time for Tax Cuts

As any healthy liberal will tell you, in times of war, pestilence, recession or social disorder, government spending must increase to meet the challenge. And so taxes must increase as well to pay the costs of government intervention.

Taxing the Poor

In its haste to enact one of the largest tax increases in U.S. history, Congress has done precious little analysis of the social and economic impact of the proposed tobacco bill.

Don't Raise the Minimum Wage – The Bar Is Already Too High

There are two ways to think about the minimum wage. The first – but misleading – is how much workers are going to get paid. The second – and correct – is how much people must be able to earn if they are going to get or keep a job. So the minimum wage, which is sometimes characterized as a "hand up, not a handout" is neither – it is a hurdle that trips up the least skilled.

Answering the Critics of Medicare Private Contracting

A National Public Radio story on William Delashmit, 72, recently highlighted the problem of Medicare private contracting. Delashmit suffers from Cogan's dystrophy, an abnormality of the cornea that has caused him to lose sight in his right eye. There is a 95 percent chance laser surgery could restore his sight. Unfortunately, Dr. William Stark of Johns Hopkins University, Delashmit's physician, may not be able to help him.

A 12-Step Plan for Social Security Reform

Social Security privatization is the single most important political reform sweeping the globe today. Following Chile's highly successful move to private pensions in 1981, Argentina, Peru and Colombia privatized their social security systems in the early 1990s. Mexico privatized in 1997.

Let's Get Prisoners Off Welfare

Welfare reform is working. Caseloads are down 79 percent in Wyoming and about 30 percent across the nation. Resignation and despair no longer rule the welfare roost. Sound policy and a strong economy have made serious headway against an "intractable" problem.