Mike Huckabee

  Mike Huckabee Former Governor of Arkansas, former candidate for the Republican nomination for President of the United States and host of the Fox News Channel program “Huckabee” WHEN:             Thursday, May …

How Much Do Public Schools Spend on Teaching?

Public education now costs federal, state and local governments upward of $500 billion annually. This total is up from $354 billion 15 years ago and currently represents the largest state and local government expenditure. While spending increased nearly 50 percent, enrollment increased by just over 10 percent, reading and science scores held steady and on-time graduation hovered at 70 percent.

Solar Power Prospects

The production of electricity from renewable energy technologies is growing much faster than the electric power supply as a whole, and solar power is among the fastest growing segments of the renewable energy market. Public policy concerns and economics are driving this growth. Some analysts and politicians believe that increasing solar power use will enhance U.S. national security by reducing dependence on imported energy — primarily oil from the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) and Russia.

How Health Reform Affects Current and Future Retirees

This year Medicare will spend more than $530 billion. Beneficiaries will pay for about 20 percent of spending through premiums and income tax payments. Workers will pay the remaining 80 percent through payroll and income taxes. In return for transferring their income to retirees, workers expect to receive health care benefits when they retire or if they become disabled.

Update on Federal Medicaid Funding

Medicaid is a joint federal-state health program, primarily for the poor. At the federal level, Medicaid is an entitlement. Each enrollee has a right to benefits. However, federal funds are not distributed equally. Each state determines its own Medicaid spending, but receives federal funds based on a matching formula.

Ryan's Plan

Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI) has proposed a Medicare reform plan that is being contrasted with the approach adopted by the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA), what some people call ObamaCare. The plan is the centerpiece of the House Republican budget; it’s attracting a lot of criticism from the Obama administration and from left-of-center commentators; and even Republicans seem to be backing away from it.

Bluey and Burnett: More oil would mean smaller deficit

With the price of oil at more than $100 per barrel, higher gasoline prices are eating into Americans’ budgets. Consumers, however, are not the only ones losing out. The various taxes, lease revenues and royalty payments to federal, state and local governments for oil and gas production on public lands is a significant source of revenue – among the largest sources outside of the personal income tax. Yet, the Obama administration stubbornly clings to a “no new production in our backyard policy” – while blaming oil companies for high prices.

Bluey and Burnett: More oil would mean smaller deficit

With the price of oil at more than $100 per barrel, higher gasoline prices are eating into Americans’ budgets. Consumers, however, are not the only ones losing out. The various taxes, lease revenues and royalty payments to federal, state and local governments for oil and gas production on public lands is a significant source of revenue – among the largest sources outside of the personal income tax. Yet, the Obama administration stubbornly clings to a ‘no new production in our backyard policy’ – while blaming oil companies for high prices.