Focus Point – What the Polls Really Say
To read the papers, you'd think George Bush had fallen so far in the polls he should just concede. But wait.
To read the papers, you'd think George Bush had fallen so far in the polls he should just concede. But wait.
Yesterday I mentioned a new social security calculator from the NCPA. It's online at The NCPA calculator estimates what you'll get back from social security based on the typical earnings history of a person your age and sex in your occupation, adjusted for the effects of inflation. About 500 occupations are included.
Taxes. Is there anything worse? Oh yes, there's death. This nation was founded on a tax revolt, yet the media tell us that today's taxpayers couldn't care less about a cut in their tax load, the biggest burden relative to income in the history of the Republic. Pardon my skepticism, but I believe that most taxpayers would like to control a larger share of the fruits of their own industry and enterprise, especially at a time when the federal government luxuriates in revenues vastly in excess of its spending.
In general, older generations are receiving reasonable rates of return from Social Security, especially among couples with dependent spouses. But almost all future retirees will, on the average, have worse rates of return than they would have received if their tax payments had been privately invested.
Social Security's at a crossroads. Whether you're an accountant or a bus driver, a large part of your paycheck goes to the social security tax. If you work for somebody else, part of the tax is withheld from your check, and your employer pays an equal amount. If you work for yourself, you pay both parts.
Whether you're a steelworker or a waitress, a bus driver or an accountant, a large part of your earnings goes to the Social Security payroll tax every pay period. If you work for somebody else, part of the tax IS withheld from your paycheck, and your employer pays an equal amount on your behalf. If you work for yourself, you pay both parts.