Dallas plastic bag ban bad for many reasons
Dallas Morning News: Banning plastic bags can negatively impact local businesses and consumers, according to NCPA Senior Fellows Pamela Villarreal and H. Sterling Burnett.
Dallas Morning News: Banning plastic bags can negatively impact local businesses and consumers, according to NCPA Senior Fellows Pamela Villarreal and H. Sterling Burnett.
Psychology Today: In his latest Psychology Today post, NCPA President John C. Goodman says “people in healthcare have become so completely immersed in the idea of third-party payment that they have lost sight of the whole idea of agency.”
Masterresource.org: “What we ask for is a more rigorous education on energy and environmental issues. Today’s students do not learn even basic facts about the energy sources that make our civilization possible. But they are encouraged to take strong policy positions on the basis of extremely speculative predictions by individuals and institutions who falsely claim to represent the conclusions of all informed scientists.”
Forbes: Despite what Paul Krugman believes, states who choose not to expand Medicaid will not be jeopardizing healthcare for millions of Americans, says NCPA President John C. Goodman.
CNBC: NCPA Distinguished Fellow Bob McTeer talks about the Federal Reserve on The Larry Kudlow Report.
Policymic: According to NCPA data more guns would not necessarily impact crime rates, however, it does show that gun control is a flawed policy.
navy.mil: Four Star Leadership program offers a great opportunity for high school students interested in public affairs.
The new National Center for Policy Analysis (NCPA) education blog will address education funding and quality problems and offer creative solutions to improve both.
Psychology Today: NCPA President John C. Goodman gives four lessons that we can learn from complex systems like healthcare.
The Social Security/Medicare Trustees Report announces that the hospital Part A portion of Medicare’s unfunded liability is down from last year and that the exhaustion of the trust fund has been pushed back two years.
heartlander.org: Health reforms should include flexibility to decide what personal care choices best fit the needs of the consumer, says NCPA Senior Fellow Devon Herrick.
Townhall.com: By encouraging price transparency, healthcare consumers can shop for the best rates which will increase competition and stabilizes prices, says NCPA Senior Fellow Devon Herrick.
heartlander.org: NCPA Senior Fellow Pamela Villarreal says reverse mortgages are risky and complicated and have a default rate of 9.5 percent, almost twice as much as traditional mortgages.
Psychology Today: NCPA President John C. Goodman says providers should be allowed to repackage and re-price their services in order to make Medicare more efficient.
heartlander.org: NCPA Senior Fellow H. Sterling Burnett says the cash for clunkers “program treated all vehicles the same, which took newer cars off the road and left older ones running.”
Marine Corps Times: NCPA Board member Gen. Tommy Franks talks about his Four Star Leadership youth program.
Dallas Morning News: NCPA President John C. Goodman says that accepting federal aid for private insurance should be an economic decision.