ObamaCare Subsidy Program Discouraging Marriage?
Fox Business: Senior Fellow Devon Herrick explains how the Affordable Care Act incentivizes couples to stay single.
Fox Business: Senior Fellow Devon Herrick explains how the Affordable Care Act incentivizes couples to stay single.
Fox Business: Senior Fellow Devon Herrick says that ObamaCare’s bleak enrollment numbers are not unexpected.
The Beacon Blog: Why are hearing aid prices falling? Senior Fellow Devon Herrick says that when patients pay directly for medical care, prices drop.
Senior Fellow Sterling Burnett details the incredible surge in domestic oil and gas production due to fracking.
Forbes: Don’t take the United States’ third quarter GDP number at face value, writes Distinguished Fellow Bob McTeer.
Dallas Morning News: Senior Fellow Devon Herrick comments on the use of online brokers to navigate the ObamaCare exchange.
Townhall: NCPA President John Goodman explains why ObamaCare’s community rating system does not work.
Fox News Channel: John Goodman comments on the problems that small businesses are facing under ObamaCare.
Heartlander: Senior Fellow Sterling Burnett says that the federal government should leave the regulation of wood-burning heaters to the states.
Yahoo: What will ObamaCare do to Health Savings Accounts? NCPA President John Goodman has some answers.
Watchdog.org: Senior Fellow Devon Herrick explains the potential for insurance fraud under ObamaCare.
NCPA: Should you get married? The Affordable Care Act says no, according to a new study from the National Center for Policy Analysis (NCPA).
Health Wonk Review: Trying to keep up with health care news? NCPA President John Goodman’s Health Policy Blog breaks down the latest news around the Affordable Care Act in this week’s edition of Health Wonk Review.
Dallas Morning News: NCPA President John Goodman comments on the President’s visit to Dallas and the problems with ObamaCare.
Just as there are penalties in the tax code for couples who get married, financial penalties in the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA) also discourage couples from “tying …
Investor’s Business Daily: Financial penalties in ObamaCare discourage couples from “tying the knot,” writes Senior Fellow Devon Herrick.
In the United States, eligibility for government social benefits is based mainly on an absolute measure of poverty – the federal poverty level – which is an income threshold that varies by family size. The level is supposed to be the minimum income required for a household to buy such things as food, clothing and shelter. In 2013, the poverty threshold varied from $11,490 for a one-person household to $23,550 for a family of four.1
CNN: On CNN’s Crossfire, Newt Gingrich cites NCPA figures on the number of individuals who will lose their health insurance under ObamaCare.
Forbes: NCPA President John Goodman has a free market health plan that would replace ObamaCare, improve Medicaid, and reduce the cost of health insurance.
Fox Business: Senior Fellow Devon Herrick tells Fox Business that it’s no surprise that young people are not signing up for health insurance.
The American Spectator: Senior Fellow Peter Ferrara anticipates that Americans will be forced to decide between bailing out bankrupt insurance companies or transitioning into government-run health care.
One News Now: NCPA Senior Fellow Sterling Burnett explains that E15 ethanol has not been approved for all cars on the road.
Fox News Channel: John Stossel cites John Goodman’s ideas from his Health Policy Blog on the Fox News Channel.
Olympia Business Watch: NCPA President John Goodman has a health plan that would put power into the hands of patients.
Fox News Channel: Insurance premiums are rising because costs are being shifted from the sick to the healthy, explains NCPA President John Goodman.