A Health Reform Republicans and Democrats Agree On
Forbes: A fixed sum tax credit would eliminate ObamaCare’s perverse incentives and is a reform option both parties can agree on, writes NCPA President John Goodman in a Forbes column.
Forbes: A fixed sum tax credit would eliminate ObamaCare’s perverse incentives and is a reform option both parties can agree on, writes NCPA President John Goodman in a Forbes column.
PBS’s Market Sen$e: NCPA Senior Fellow Laurence Kotlikoff reaffirms the economics behind abolishing the corporate income tax to benefit workers and responds to concerns raised by his New York Times op-ed at PBS’s Market Sen$e.
The Washington Examiner: Due to the lack of young people signing up for ObamaCare, NCPA President John Goodman estimates in the Washington Examiner that the losses are going to be “quite large,” and understands why the Obama Administration would be tempted to extend the risk corridors.
Townhall.com: Goodman states that forcing workers to invest in health insurance they don’t need may end up costing people their jobs in a Townhall.com commentary.
CNSNews.com: The declining growth in health care spending that started 10 years ago is a result of health savings accounts, not ObamaCare, says NCPA Senior Fellow Peter Ferrara in a CNSNews.com piece.
PlanSponsor: Mortgage debt can “sap your wealth, even in states with lower taxes,” says NCPA Senior Fellow Pamela Villarreal in a PlanSponsor article on the impact of mortgage debt on retirement income.
In 2011, the first of 78 million baby boomers turned 65. By 2031, the last year of the boomer generation will reach their full retirement age (67). Many will consider moving to a less costly, low-tax state to reduce their living expenses.
NCPA: David Stockman, chief architect of Reagan’s supply-side economics, will be interviewed by National Center for Policy Analysis President John C. Goodman at a Dallas luncheon on Friday, February 21st as part of the NCPA’s Hatton W. Sumners Distinguished Lecture Series.
InsuranceNewsNet.com: Include your employees in the insurance discussion to cut costs and target benefits, advises NCPA Senior Fellow Devon Herrick in an InsuranceNewsNet.com piece.
FOX Business.com: NCPA Senior Fellow Devon Herrick is more concerned with “who is paying,” and if they will continue to pay their premiums, rather than overall ObamaCare enrollment numbers, reports a FOXBusiness.com article.
Commentary: The slowdown of the rise in health care costs is due to Health Savings Accounts and Health Reimbursement Arrangements, not ObamaCare, says NCPA President John Goodman in a Commentary post.
President Obama tells us that “health care costs are growing at the slowest rate in 50 years.” He and members of his administration attribute that trend to the Affordable Care Act. But ObamaCare is just taking effect this year, while the slowdown has been underway over a decade. [See Figure I.]
Psychology Today: Economist Paul Krugman is attempting to pull a “mulligan” with his latest post endorsing a CBO report estimating that ObamaCare will reduce the labor supply, says NCPA President John Goodman in a piece for Psychology Today.
Credit.com: If you sacrifice saving to improve credit scores, your stability will be short-lived, says a new blog post at Credit.com focused on the findings of the NCPA study on senior spending. The study found that seniors are spending more on debt and saving less than in years past.
Spectrem’s Millionaire Corner: Seniors are driving longer, spending more on hobbies, and racking up more debt than before, according to a Spectrem’s Millionaire Corner post. The post examines findings from the NCPA study on debt and senior spending.
USA Today: Americans are entering retirement with too much debt and too much consumption spending when they should be saving more, says NCPA Senior Fellow Pam Villarreal, whose new report was featured in USA Today.
The Weekly Standard: Quoting NCPA President John Goodman, Arthur Herman says that attempting to lower health care costs by having “buyers of care telling the providers how to practice medicine” and redistributing or rationing care is not an effective solution in a piece for The Weekly Standard.
A San Francisco-based think tank has proven the obvious: If disadvantaged kids are orphaned by their living but irresponsible or abusive parents, then moved from one foster-care placement to the next, they will fall behind in school and develop a substantial achievement gap compared to their peers from stable homes.
Hundreds of thousands of children enter the foster care system each year. Most are reunited with family members, but many children spend years in the system. Thousands of 18 year olds age out of foster care each year. A 1997 NCPA report found that many children eligible for adoption stayed in the system longer than necessary. In recent decades, the federal government has spent billions of dollars trying to improve the accuracy of foster care reporting systems and on adoption subsidies, but many adoptable children remain in foster care.
FOX News: America’s Newsroom (FOX News) featured the prepared testimony of NCPA President John Goodman in their coverage of the House Government Reform and Oversight Committee’s hearing on risk corridors. Goodman reiterated that only those with serious incentives, i.e. those with the highest medical claims, were persistent enough to navigate the ObamaCare website.
Forbes: There is no silver lining to the expected insurance premium increases in 2015, cautions NCPA Distinguished Fellow Bob McTeer in a piece for Forbes. Health insurance is a necessity, says McTeer, and increased spending on it will depress other spending.
NCPA Senior Fellow Devon Herrick’s testimony on the Affordable Care Act’s Consumer Operated and Oriented Plan (CO-OP) before the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform Subcommittee on Energy Policy, Health Care and Entitlements and the Subcommittee on Economic Growth, Job Creation and Regulatory Affairs.
John Goodman’s testimony before theHouse Government Reform and Oversight Committee regarding Risk Corridors in the Affordable Care Act.
Psychology Today: Young people may be better off paying for health care on their own, says NCPA President John Goodman in a Psychology Today editorial.
As the senior manager of multimedia, Julian over sees all the NCPA’s in –house production and acquisition of digital video and audio of NCPA experts. In addition, he also records all of the NCPA’s major events, and manages the YouTube channel and it’s content.