Confederate Flag

FOX News: NCPA President/CEO Allen West discusses the manufactured political frenzy in regards to the Confederate flag on FOX News

“The Good Crisis that Can’t be Wasted” The response of liberal left progressives to the unconscionable acts of the Charleston shooter have more to do with political posturing than heartfelt care or concern, says NCPA President/CEO Allen West in a commentary.

The Export-Import Bank is Overdrawn On June 30th, Congress should allow the sun to set on the ill-conceived notion of government venture capitalism we call the Export-Import Bank, which violates free enterprise and opportunity economics, said NCPA President/CEO Allen West in a commentary.

Secure Texas' Electrical Grid Now

NCPA: Texas Governor Greg Abbott and his administration have an amazing opportunity to secure the state’s electrical grid from electromagnetic pulses, said NCPA President/CEO Allen West and Dallas Eagle Forum President Trayce Bradford in a new commentary.

The Lee-Rubio tax blueprint

The Washington Times: The Lee-Rubio tax reform plan would be a great improvement over the current tax system, and a good step towards larger government reform, asserted NCPA President/CEO Allen B. West and Senior Fellow Pam Villarreal in a Washington Times commentary.

Vanquishing the Enemy

The Washington Times: The United States must develop a fiscally responsible, 21st century fighting force in order to vanquish the enemy, says NCPA President/CEO Allen West in a Washington Times commentary. 

We Must Define the Enemy

U.S. News and World Report: Failing to define your enemy dismisses both the enemy and yourself, says NCPA President/CEO Allen West in a US News and World Report commentary.

Allen B. West

A former member of Congress, Allen West is a retired Army Lieutenant Colonel who served as a battalion commander in Iraq and is the Executive Director of the National Center for …

Two Steps for Our Common Security

National Review Online: To increase security, the White House should repair relations with the military and Congress should increase defense spending, says NCPA CEO Allen West and Bing West in a National Review commentary.