The Anti-Energy President
The Wall Street Journal: Governor Pete du Pont weighs in on President Obama’s energy policies and their negative implications for America.
The Wall Street Journal: Governor Pete du Pont weighs in on President Obama’s energy policies and their negative implications for America.
The Wall Street Journal: NCPA Chairman Pete du Pont on the rise of dependency on federal government under the Obama administration.
The Wall Street Journal: NCPA Chairman Pete du Pont weighs in on the likelihood of Secretary of State Hillary Clinton running for vice-president next year.
Wall Street Journal – NCPA Chairman Pete du Pont talks GOP election prospects for 2012.
Wall Street Journal: NCPA Board Chairman Pete du Pont weighs in on the President’s re-election bid if he bumps Biden for Clinton on the ballot.
The Wall Street Journal – NCPA Chairman Pete Du Pont assesses President Obama’s reelection chances in the Wall Street Journal
The Wall Street Journal: In the last few years, as promised, the Obama administration has fundamentally transformed America. Our country is now in serious decline. Income is lower, unemployment is higher, jobs are fewer, government is much larger. Federal spending is way up, and America’s economic status is way down, as is the global view of our country and our economy. Hardly anyone sees any sign of economic recovery or improvement.
Wall Street Journal: President Obama promised change, but what we got is not what we had hoped for, according to NCPA Board Chairman Pete du Pont.
Wall Street Journal – Last year I wrote that the enactment of ObamaCare meant ‘the Europeanization of America is coming to pass, for individual choice and opportunity are being replaced by statism.’ That law is transferring 17% of our national economy from the marketplace to full control and regulation by the federal government.
The Wall Street Journal – America’s economy is in the doldrums again. Economic growth is weak—just 1.8% a year in the last quarter. Government spending is increasing—to a projected 25.3% of gross domestic product this year from 20.7% in 2008—while revenues are down to 14.4% of GDP from 17.5% in 2008.
The Wall Street Journal – The U.S. Treasury reports that the federal government ran up $870 billion in red ink in the first seven months of this fiscal year. That is $70 billion, or 9%, higher than at the same point in fiscal 2010, which ended up with a record $1.3 trillion deficit.
The Wall Street Journal – America is now facing the most difficult governmental choices since the end of World War II, 66 years ago. Back then our debt as a percentage of gross domestic product had just exceeded 100%. In about a decade it will exceed that again, and if we continue our current economic policies the Congressional Budget Office projects it will approach 800% in another 66 years.
The Wall Street Journal – A year ago today President Obama signed into law the broadest, most expensive, most intrusive health-care bill in our history.
In 2008, Sen. Barack Obama criticized President Bush's effort to "bring more and more power into the executive branch" and promised to reverse it when he became president. All of which goes to show how different promises and policies can be. Candidate Obama said it was wrong for a president to consolidate power in the White House, but President Obama followed a different path, bringing more power into his office and at times taking it away from Congress and the American people.
Wall Street Journal: For two years Washington has been moving left-bigger spending, expanding regulation and a continual increase in government debt. In fiscal 2007, when George W. Bush was president, the debt increased $161 billion; in 2008, another $458 billion; and in 2009 (which began under Mr. Bush and ended under Barack Obama), it reached $1.4 trillion. In Mr. Obama's first two full years in office, 2010 and 2011, it will increase another $1.3 trillion each year.
The Wall Street Journal – Barack Obama promised to change America, and he did. Federal spending has increased in two years to $3.72 trillion from $2.98 trillion, a 25% increase. The national debt has swelled to almost $14 trillion from $10 trillion in the same period, and the Office of Management and Budget estimates that it will reach $26 trillion by 2020. ObamaCare is moving 17% of the U.S economy from individual choice to government management and direction. Protectionist policies have stopped trade agreements with several countries.
The Wall Street Journal – At the end of 2007 America began its economic decline. It started in the Bush administration, continued in the Obama administration, and is likely to be with us many months or even years longer. The federal deficit soared to $1.3 million from $161 billion in 2007. Unemployment in the same period rose to 9.6 percent from 5 percent.
Everyone in this state knew that Rep. Mike Castle was going to be our next U.S. senator. He had served as a state legislator, lieutenant governor (during my second term as governor), governor and nine-term congressman. He was well ahead in the primary and general-election polls. But in the Republican primary on Sept. 14, Christine O'Donnell won by a bit more than 3,500 votes.
How big has the government grown under the Obama administration? "The average level of U.S. government spending as a percentage of GDP from the end of World War II to the present is 19.6 percent," observes the Heritage Foundation. "In the past two years that level has exploded, reaching 24.7 percent in 2009 and an estimated 25.4 in 2010. . . . Without urgent action the U.S. is on course for national bankruptcy."
Summer is almost ended, and Americans are growing more and more skeptical about the coming fall–about our lack of jobs, our bigger and more expensive government, the higher taxes that will be coming soon, more expensive and less personal health care, and, most important, our declining economy.
Hillary for President? NCPA Board Chairman and former Governor Pete du Pont's Wall Street Journal op-ed explores the possibilities.
A year ago the Waxman-Markey energy regulation bill passed the House. Now before the Senate is the Kerry-Lieberman energy regulation bill, which includes many of the same damaging provisions–government control of many aspects of energy generation, distribution and prices.
The amount of energy America's economy consumes is rising, and oil is a significant portion of its generation. But the domestic production of American oil is falling, and that means that imports must increase each year, which is why increasing the amount of our offshore drilling is a critical component of our energy future.
A cultural battle is under way in America, a battle between, in columnist Michael Barone's, words, "the culture of dependence and the culture of independence."
Late Sunday night America made its largest public-policy course change since the 1930s: Congress moved 17% of our national economy from the market place to full regulation and control by the federal government. The vote in the House was close, 219-212, but our country's health care system will now be organized, operated and regulated by the federal government.