Analysis of the Pros and Cons of the
American Health Reform Act of 2017
Lunch Briefing
Wednesday, March 15, 2017
12:00 – 1:30 PM
2103 Rayburn House Office Building
Washington, D.C.
Congress and the Trump Administration have developed a three-phase plan to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act: (1) Repeal as many of the harmful provisions of the ACA as possible through the budget reconciliation process; (2) Reverse destructive ACA regulations through administrative action; and (3) Pass legislation that promotes patient-centered health care. Experts from the National Center for Policy Analysis will break down the new American Health Reform Act and the developing efforts to repeal and replace the ACA:
- What are the effects on the economy from passing the American Health Reform Act?
- What are the job creation effects from repealing the ACA?
- What administrative actions will minimize the damage done by the ACA?
- After the budget reconciliation and administrative actions, what is left to be done?
Featuring: James H. Amos, President and CEO, National Center for Policy Analysis
John R. Graham |
David Tuerck |
Paul Bachman |
Concluding comments by
Former Member of Congress Allen B. West
Executive Director
National Center for Policy Analysis
For more information or to RSVP, please contact Brian Williams.
Phone: (202) 830-0177 — E-Mail: Brian.Williams@ncpathinktank.org
If you are unable to attend, please forward to someone in your office who may be interested.