Dallas (September 22, 1999) — Talking about his life on the court and the difficult process that placed him there, Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas was the featured speaker at the National Center for Policy Analysis' recent Sumners Lecture Series luncheon, which will air on Saturday, Sept. 25, on the C-SPAN cable network.
Showcasing Justice Thomas' humor and insight, the luncheon featured Justice Thomas in informal, after-lunch conversation with NCPA President John C. Goodman. Their free-flowing conversation touched on topics from his personal and working relationships with his colleagues, to the inquisition he faced as he answered what he saw as a call to duty.
WHO: Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas
WHAT: NCPA's Hatton W. Sumners Lecture Series on C-SPAN's America and the Courts
WHEN: 7:00 p.m. EDT 6:00 p.m. CDT Saturday, September 25, 1999
WHERE: C-SPAN cable network.
The conversation will also be available in the coming days to a worldwide audience online on the NCPA Channel on the NCPA's award-winning Internet site www.ncpathinktank.org/video.
During the nearly nine years that he has been on the Supreme Court, Justice Thomas has distinguished himself as one of the finest writers among his colleagues. He is known for his keen legal analysis and his adherence to the fundamental constitutional principles that are at the foundation of the vision our founders had for this nation.