Christopher C. Horner

Christopher C. HornerChristopher C. Horner is a Washington, D.C. attorney and think tank Fellow, also writing for free market/ conservative journals and appearing weekly on two syndicated radio programs with an audience of over 2 million. He regularly addresses issues relating to domestic and international environment and energy policy, as well as treaty matters, in the opinion pages of the Washington Times, National Review Online, the online magazine, and on television programs from "The News Hour with Jim Lehrer" to "Hannity and Colmes." He has written trade journal and law review articles, and has completed two substantive papers for The Federalist Society, for whom he serves on the Executive Committee of the International Law Practice Group.

In 1997 Horner served a brief spell as Director of Federal Government Relations for Enron Corporation, the end of which began when he objected to Enron's efforts with environmental pressure groups and other corporate rent seekers to ensure a global warming treaty.

Horner brings first-hand observations as a lawyer and journalist at relevant international negotiations, in The Hague and Bonn (Kyoto Protocol), and Johannesburg (United Nations' World Summit on Sustainable Development).