Dallas – The National Center for Policy Analysis announced today that an episode of the nationally syndicated program DebatesDebates, which was sponsored by the NCPA, will begin airing nationally today.
The episode: " Do We Need More Restrictions on Guns?" features an all-star cast debating an issue currently in the minds of every American and in many courtrooms across the country. The affirmative side is led Dennis Henigan, Director of the Legal Action Project of the Center to Prevent Handgun Violence. He is joined by Bruce Gryniewski, executive director of Washington Cease-Fire and David Yassky, a professor at Brooklyn Law School.
The opposition team is led by Morgan Reynolds, director of the Criminal Justice Center for the NCPA. He is teamed with John Lott, professor at the University of Chicago and Larry Pratt, executive director of Gun Owners of America.
A Warren Steibel production, DebatesDebates brings together the world's foremost experts to participate in formal debates on current public policy issues. Warren Steibel is also producer of William F. Buckley's Firing Line.
DebatesDebates airs in over 170 markets nationwide and is available to stations each Wednesday. Check local listings for times and availability in your area. DebatesDebates can also be seen across the globe on the NCPA Channel located on the NCPA's Internet site at www.ncpathinktank.org.