Focus Point – Bush So Far

I'm Pete du Pont with the National Center for Policy Analysis. Less than 100 days into his term, George W. Bush has managed to change the nature of the presidency, surprising conservatives, liberals and the press alike.

Considering his predecessor, changing the nature of the president wasn't a daunting challenge, but this isn't mere addition by subtraction.

In his Inaugural Address, Mr. Bush spoke of conscience and character, not victimhood or collective programs to absolve us of individual responsibility. This president believes in a few principles and some policies derived from them. The last time we had a president like this, Ronald Reagan, things worked out pretty well.

He confounds congressional liberals by not seeming willing to compromise core principles for cheap political gain. In foreign policy, we have gone from apologist to realist, whether it's North Korea or Russia. He embraced missile defense, and, in the face of a European Socialist storm, did the right thing in repudiating the Kyoto Treaty.

And tax cuts. And sensible budgets. And better schools. Not a bad beginning.

Those are my ideas, and at the NCPA we know ideas can change the world. I'm Pete du Pont, and I'll see you next time.