Focus Point – Political Stereotyping

I'm Pete du Pont with the National Center for Policy Analysis. By now, I'm used to stereotyping and name-calling in politics. What I'll never get used to is using issues like race and religion to pit one group of Americans against another for votes.

Gore and Bradley accused the republicans of wrapping themselves in the Confederate flag, yet refused to rebuke bigots in their own party like Al Sharpton.

Republicans have been no better. John McCain used George W. Bush's ill-advised appearance at Bob Jones University to brand Bush an anti-Catholic bigot — something McCain almost certainly did not believe, since he urged his staff to get him a speaking engagement at Bob Jones, too. McCain attacked religious fundamentalists, hoping to pit moderates against conservatives.

I think all candidates ought to read "Creating Equal: My Fight Against Preferences," by black California conservative Ward Connerly. Prejudice, he says, grows from stereotyping. If we ever want to conquer prejudice, we must put harmful stereotypes behind us. Honorable men who want to be President should take the lead.

Those are my ideas, and at the NCPA we know ideas can change the world. I'm Pete du Pont, and I'll see you next time.