Focus Point – Religious Freedom

I'm Pete du Pont with the National Center for Policy Analysis. While the Taliban and their allies waste their breath calling us the great Satan we might take a look at their record when it comes to one of the many things we're good at and they detest: Freedom. Several human rights organizations and the state department put a number of Muslim-ruled countries at the bottom of the list when it comes to religious freedom.

The state department ranked Afghanistan among the worst offenders, along with Burma, China, Cuba, North Korea and Vietnam.

But right behind them were Iran, Iraq, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia and Sudan. Christianity is banned in Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan and Kuwait. It's literally a capital crime to leave Islam for another religion in Sudan – where more than two million Christians have been killed.

Contrast their situation with the two million Muslims who live and worship in peace in the United States, and millions more in Western Europe, and it helps define what we're up against: freedom versus the lack of it.

Those are my ideas, and at the N-C-P-A we know ideas can change the world. Visit the ncpa website at I'm Pete du Pont. Next time, bad science stalks Washington again.