Former Fed Governor Lindsey To Discuss U.S. Role In International Economic Community

Dallas – Is the U.S. the banker to the world? Why has the U.S. prospered while economies around the world tumble? That's just some of the questions that will be addressed by Lawrence B. Lindsey, former member of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System and one of the nation's leading public policy economists, at a luncheon Thursday hosted by the National Center for Policy Analysis and the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas.

Currently a scholar at the American Enterprise Institute and holder of the Arthur F. Burns Chair in Economics, Lindsey has just published a new book, Economic Puppetmasters, which describes the thinking of the world's decision-makers, what drives them and what limits their scope of action. Accordingly, Lindsey will discuss the people and the events that affect the global political economy as well as business and politics in the U.S.

Lawrence B. Lindsey

Policy Forum luncheon sponsored by the
National Center for Policy Analysis and the
Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas

Thursday, February 18, 1999
Noon to 1:30 p.m.

Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas
2200 N. Pearl Street
Dallas, TX

Parking available at corner of Pearl and Thomas streets, on the north side of the Federal Reserve Bank Building.

In addition to five years with the Federal Reserve, Lindsey served in both the Reagan and Bush administrations as an advisor for economic and tax policy. Prior to his service in government, Lindsey was professor of economics at Harvard University.