Source NCPA
With health care costs and insurance premiums rising, the National Center for Policy Analysis has developed a multi-point Congressional brief that outlines affordable and effective alternatives. The objective of these proposed changes is to do what the Affordable Care Act has failed to do – create accessible, affordable and high quality health care for many more Americans than have it now.
“Our health care system is simply not sustainable under Obamacare,” said NCPA Senior Fellow and author Devon Herrick. “Reform is inevitable and the longer that takes, the more difficult it will be on everyone, including consumers.”
Dr. Herrick outlines alternatives to the Affordable Care Act with:
• Increased flexibility in health plan design;
• Tax fairness regardless of where Americans get their health coverage;
• Increased access to primary care by removing barriers to innovative medical practices and services;
• Reform of hospital regulations to better serve patients;
• Reduced costs through price transparency to boost competition and innovation in medical services and prescription drugs;
• Strengthened Medicare, Medicaid and Veterans Health that better serve the needs of patients; and
• Changes in the financing of medical care so that individuals have control over their health care dollars and the means to pay for medical care over their lifetimes.
Details on implementing and funding the reforms are outlined in the Congressional brief.
Congressional Brief – NCPA Health Reform Agenda
One page summary of NCPA Alternatives to Obamacare
Herrick outlines details in a brief video.