Keys to Innovation: Keeping America's Competitive Advantage

Please join the ACU Foundation and the National Center for Policy Analysis for a policy forum…

   Keys to Innovation: Keeping America’s Competitive Advantage


Carly Fiorina, Chairman, the American Conservative Union Foundation
Scott Kieff, Commissioner, International Trade Commission
Maureen Ohlhausen, Commissioner, Federal Trade Commission 


In what promises to be a lively event, roundtable participants will discuss the state of U.S. competitiveness after almost six years under President Obama’s policies. Tax reform and spending discipline are critical to our future, but a vital part of our nation’s core competency is a strong intellectual property system.  Join leading thinkers as we discuss solutions to improve our economic outlook.


Complimentary Event

Lunch & Parking Provided

November 11, 2014
12:00pm – 1:30pm

Hotel ZaZa
2332 Leonard Street 
Dallas, TX

Click Here to register.