DALLAS, TX- Popular "mini-med" plans that allow employers to offer health plans at a low cost to both employees and the company are facing extinction under the Affordable Care Act, which a new analysis finds may actually increase the number of uninsured workers, affecting as many as two million people.
The National Center for Policy Analysis today released Mini-Med Plans. Report author David R. Henderson says, "The ironic effect of a law that President Obama said would extend insurance to the uninsured is to make insurance for low-income Americans less affordable and, therefore, cause many of them to go without insurance."
The mini-meds are most commonly used by low-wage, seasonal and part-time workers. On the government waiver granted to McDonald's, Henderson says in the report, "To regulate these people out of their insurance outright would have been embarrassing – especially in light of the revelation that more than 100,000 McDonald's workers could lose their health plan – right on the eve of a national election. So the bureaucrats did what bureaucrats do so well – they added another layer of sloppy regulation on top."
Full report text here: http://www.ncpathinktank.org/pdfs/ba727.pdf