NCPA: Black Chamber Joins Team Ncpa Social Security Effort

Joint Effort Will Educate New Audiences about Crisis in Social Security, Benefits of Reform

DALLAS (June 24, 2003) — The National Center for Policy Analysis (NCPA) and the National Black Chamber of Commerce (NBCC) have joined forces to educate a wider audience about the crisis facing Social Security and the benefits of investment-based reform. The NBCC is the world's largest organization dedicated to black business empowerment.

"Blacks, on average, pay far more in Social Security taxes than they can ever expect to receive in benefits," said NBCC President Harry Alford. "Using personal retirement accounts to reform Social Security will allow not only blacks, but all Americans, to save for a better retirement and also provide an asset to pass on to heirs."

The NBCC will work through Team NCPA (, a volunteer-driven educational campaign that monitors and responds to the on-going debate about Social Security reform at the national and local levels, to build a diverse volunteer team of citizens dedicated to strengthening Social Security.

Team NCPA volunteers will speak to friends and local audiences about the need for reform. They will also monitor community newspapers, radio talk shows and local television news programs for misinformation about Social Security, and respond with facts.