NCPA Environmental Expert in Washington Free-market Analyst to Talk Global Warming, Endangered Species and More!

Washington, DC – H. Sterling Burnett, an environmental policy and gun law analyst with the Dallas-based National Center for Policy Analysis will visit Washington to discuss possible changes to state and federal public forest management with congressional offices and targeted revisions of the Endangered Species Act with the Endangered Species Coalition. While in Washington, Burnett will be available for interviews on a wide range of environmental policies and recent trends in gun control.

WHO: NCPA's H. Sterling Burnett

WHAT: Expert in Environmental Policy and Gun law.

WHEN: December 1st and 2nd.



National Center for Policy Analysis
655 15th Street, NW
Suite 375
Washington, DC

Mr. Burnett will be available to discuss most aspects of environmental policy and gun law including the following:

How in the face of a crumbling scientific foundation, the Buenos Aires conference did little to change the disastrous Global Warming treaty negotiated in Kyoto Japan. Possible shifts in control to the states over public forest management. Current fatal flaws in the Endangered Species Act. Current trends in gun control including the recent liability suits filed by New Orleans and Chicago against gun manufacturers.