NCPA Experts Available For Education And Health Policy Analysis Of Convention

DALLAS (July 31, 2000) — As the Republican National Convention convenes in Philadelphia today, experts from the Dallas-based National Center for Policy Analysis (NCPA SM) are available to offer expert analysis of the major issues of this year, including tonight's prime time topics of education and health care reform.

WHO: John C. Goodman, Ph.D., President and founder of the NCPA, Dr. Goodman is known as the "father of Medical Savings Accounts." He helped formulate Gov. George W. Bush's health care reform plan, as well as develop tax credits proposals reflected in health care reform bills sponsored by Senators Jeffords, Frist and Breaux as well as Majority Leader Dick Armey. Dr. Goodman currently serves as a Gov. Bush appointee to the Texas Blue Ribbon Tax Force on the Uninsured. His book Patient Power is credited with setting a pro-free-market agenda for solving health care problems.

Jack Strayer is vice president of external affairs for the NCPA. Mr. Strayer heads up the NCPA's Washington, D.C. office. Prior to joining the NCPA, he was director of federal affairs for the Council for Affordable Health Insurance. He has appeared at health care forums for Members of Congress, insurance groups and other health related associations across the country.

Greg Scandlen is a senior fellow in health policy for the NCPA. He previously worked for the Cato Institute, where he was a health policy fellow. He is considered to be an expert on medical savings accounts, insurance regulation and reform, employee benefits and ERISA, Medicare reform, and the uninsured. Scandlen formerly served as president of the Health Benefits Group, a consulting firm in Frederick, Md. He also was founder and CEO of the Council for Affordable Health Insurance and worked in the Blue Cross Blue Shield system for 12 years.

Robert Goldberg, Ph.D., is a senior fellow at the NCPA. He also is a senior research fellow at the Ethics and Public Policy Center and is director of the Center's project on Medical Science and Society. Dr. Goldberg has conducted research and written extensively on the impact of price controls on biopharmaceutical innovation, FDA control of medical information, and the impact government regulation of medicine has had on health care quality.

Dorman E. Cordell is the senior scholar at the NCPA. He frequently speaks and writes on education policy and health care reform, as well as other issues for the NCPA.

WHAT: Analysis Of Policy Proposals & Speeches

WHEN: Available Immediately

WHERE: 972-386-6272 OR 202-220-3082