NCPA Publishes New Telemedicine Analysis

Dallas (Aug. 21, 2008) – The National Center for Policy Analysis is today releasing a study update on the topic of telemedicine.

As Americans struggle with health care cost, quality and access, telephone and Internet alternatives continue to gain in popularity. For example, one of the early national providers of telephone consultations has seen a 60% increase in its subscriber base since January. Also, many major insurance providers have recently announced plans to reimburse phone and email consultations.

As noted in an in-depth Wall Street Journal column Wednesday, [Internet Visits With Doctors Can Beat Office Appointments] there is growing public discussion and demand for the telemedicine option.  The author of our telemedicine study, Dr. Devon Herrick, says antiquated regulations and payment systems still prevent millions from telemedicine access as a health care option.

Dr. Herrick is available to talk with you about his study on the growth in telemedicine . In addition, we can connect you with a company that is at the forefront of telemedicine development and tracks state-by-state statistics of its enrollees.

Link to the NCPA analysis at