NCPA Tax Expert Stands by His Plan

WASHINGTON, D.C. – As both former presidential candidate Steve Forbes and House Speaker Newt Gingrich heighten the volume on demands for tax reform prior to April 15th, Bruce Bartlett, the former Treasury official and current NCPA Senior Fellow who first publicly recommended a 15% across-the-board tax cut in April of 1996 – prior to its adoption by the Dole Campaign – stands by his recommendation.

"The need to ease the taxpayer burden and to spur economic growth are immediate, as anyone with a static salary about to mail a bloated check to the IRS realizes. Capital gains and estate tax reforms are part of the necessary reform formula, but fall short of the economic boost an across-the-board tax cut would provide," Bartlett says. "Flat tax reform remains the long-term goal."

Bartlett began calling for a tax cut in April, 1996 after determining that 1995 total taxes as a share of GDP were the highest in U.S. history. The 15% across-the board tax cut was designed to lower federal receipts as a share of GDP to their former rate in 1992. Bartlett, an expert in dynamic scoring, predicts that tax reduction will spur growth, partially paying for tax cuts.

He has appeared on CNN's Crossfire, C-SPAN's Washington Journal, Wall Street Report, Nightly Business Report, Bloomberg Business News, CNBC's Business News, Fox Morning News, among others, to discuss the economic effects of tax cuts. He has also discussed economic reform in columns run in Wall Street Journal, New York Times, Washington Times, Investor's Business Daily, Detroit News and San Diego Union Tribune and is quoted in columns across the country.

Bartlett can be scheduled for an interview on tax reduction, flat tax reform, national sales tax or estate and capital gains tax reduction by calling the NCPA's Washington, D.C. or Dallas office.




CALL JOAN KIRBY (202) 220-3082
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