NCPA/Dallas Fed Policy Forum to Feature Larry Kudlow

Dallas (November 8, 1999) — Will the current economic prosperity continue in the years to come? Does this economic golden age come with a price to our culture? What should the phrase "prosperity with a purpose" truly mean?

Addressing these questions and more will be former Reagan budget official and current economic commentator Lawrence Kudlow at the next Policy forum sponsored by the National Center for Policy Analysis and the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas. The forum will feature Kudlow talking about his new book, American Abundance: The New Economic and Moral Prosperity.

In the book, Kudlow warns that although the decline in the nation's crime and welfare enrollment rates are a result of the booming economy, the key to realizing the potential of the new prosperity lies in balancing the values of enterprise and spirituality.

WHO: Lawrence Kudlow

WHAT: NCPA/Dallas Fed Policy Forum

WHEN: Wednesday, Nov. 10, 1999, Noon To 1:30 PM CDT

WHERE: Federal Reserve Bank Of Dallas, 2200 N. Pearl Street, Dallas, Tx

Complimentary parking is available at the corner of Pearl and Thomas.

In addition to his role as chief economist with Schroder & Co., Kudlow is a regular commentator on CNBC and chief economist and weekly columnist of He regularly contributes opinion columns to the Wall Street Journal and the Washington Times.