NCPA'S Bartlett Available to Comment on Fed Decision, Tax Cuts

WASHINGTON (Jan. 31, 2001) — With Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan poised to this afternoon to enact new Fed policy in the wake of recession forecasts, Bruce Bartlett, senior fellow with the National Center for Policy Analysis, can provide important insight and analysis of all aspects of federal economic and tax policy.

"The formerly high-flying NASDAQ has fallen by more than half from its March peak, and many economic forecasters are saying that the economy has entered a recession. Almost everyone blames the Fed for at least the downturn, even if they don't blame it for causing a completely unnecessary and avoidable destruction of several trillion dollars in wealth," Bartlett said in a January 30 Washington Times column.

As one of the nation's foremost experts on economic and tax policy, Bartlett first called for a 15% across-the-board tax cut to pre-Clinton tax levels in a 1996 Washington Times column. During the 2000 presidential election, Bartlett critiqued tax proposals made by presidential candidates George W. Bush, Gary Bauer and Donald Trump in such newspapers as the Wall Street Journal, Washington Times and the Los Angeles Times.

WHAT: Federal Reserve And Tax Cut Policy

WHO: Bruce Bartlett, Senior Fellow, NCPA

WHEN: Immediate Availability

WHERE: To Schedule A Bartlett Interview Call Joan Kirby At 202-220-3082

Bartlett writes a column on economic policy twice weekly, which is nationally syndicated by Creators Syndicate. In 1987 and 1988, Bartlett served under Gary Bauer, who was then assistant to the president for domestic policy. Before joining the National Center for Policy Analysis, he was deeply involved in development and passage of the Tax Reform Act of 1986 as a senior fellow at the Heritage Foundation from 1985-1986. In 1977, as a member of then-Congressman Jack Kemp's staff, he helped draft the famous Kemp-Roth tax bill, which formed the basis of the Reagan tax cut in 1981.